Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Building a Sustainable Open Metadata Repository in African Universities: UI-NADA, University of Ibadan, NIGERIA Olawale Emmanuel Olayide, PhD Research Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Development University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3151-0807 waleolayide@yahoo.com, oe.olayide@ui.edu.ng; +2348035973449
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Outline Introduction Metadata in Africa: Open Access, Challenges, and Opportunities What it takes to build UI-NADA Measuring progress and impacts of UI-NADA What would be needed to sustain UI-NADA Conclusion Recommendations Acknowledgements
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Introduction Universities are knowledge management centres The “universe” of culture, practices and theories African historical knowledge of oral tradition (tales, Forklores, etc) predates Progress in African literature and documentation (written tradition) have been made Development of libraries & archives are early comers Transformation to open source wares and internet-based applications, including cloud and distributed computing are new and emerging trends in Africa
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Introduction…2 Adequate data is required for effective knowledge management. Dataset can be conceived as a commodity (commercialization, copyrighted or free source or creative commons) Knowledge management of metadata could lend itself to the following: Reuse Reduce Recycle Re-invent Reposition Reproducible
Metadata in Africa: Open Access Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Metadata in Africa: Open Access Open Access is a global trend, a movement that is already more 20 years old Open access to data means free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself - Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
Metadata in Africa: Challenges Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Metadata in Africa: Challenges The constraints on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited It has become more pressing because of the numerous opportunities provided by the internet in developing repositories (archives) – band wagon effect or left behind Limited e-infrastructure in Africa (Internet penetration and electricity)
Metadata in Africa: Opportunities Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Metadata in Africa: Opportunities Promote research, teaching & learning Less digitizing of hardcopies Expensive but cost saving and cost sharing It can help to harvest data from very distributed or dispersed sources and make data much more discoverable Effective, impactful and ‘massive’ Many outlets are now available and accessible: ResearchGate, Google Scholar Citations, Scopus, ScienceDirect, DSpace, Dropbox, Nesstar Publisher, NADA, etc
Data as Increasingly FAIR Digital Objects Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Data as Increasingly FAIR Digital Objects
Building an Institutional Metadata Repository: UI-NADA Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Building an Institutional Metadata Repository: UI-NADA A formidable team “building” Arranging the “bricks”?
University of Ibadan Data Archive Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 University of Ibadan Data Archive Source: http://nada.ui.edu.ng/
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 The Purpose The purpose of the University of Ibadan Data Archive and Documentation Platform (UI-DADP) is to curate data and provide open access for survey data users for evidence-based policy formulation and sustainable development planning and to serve as a model for the Nigerian University system It is also intended to complement macro-data archiving and documentation in the Nigerian Statistical System (NSA)
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 The Progress The UI-NADA has recorded phenomenal web hits since it was launched in April 2015. For instance, the total number of views increased from 995 in June 2015 to 11,295 in May 2016, and 25,997 in March 2017. Similarly, the number of downloads increased from 211 in June 2015 to 5,988 in in May 2016, and 8723 in March 2017 (see Figures 1 and 2).
Some Trends and Impacts Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Some Trends and Impacts
Some Trends and Impacts…2 Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Some Trends and Impacts…2
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Quick Wins The UI-DADP is potentially a veritable teaching and research platform for tracking usability of research data and area of interests on development issues It offers opportunity for innovative research and feedbacks It also underscores the potentials for development of workable policy framework on data archiving and documentation in Nigerian (Africa) University System
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Some Benefits Visibility: In sight on website Archiving: storage and retrieval Research: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Re-invent, Reposition, and Reproducible Impact: Making a difference Ranking: Global competitiveness
Ranking Web of Universities – Africa (2016) Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Ranking Web of Universities – Africa (2016) Source: http://www.webometrics.info/en/Africa
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Webometrics Ranking
Sustainability Outlook: Partnerships Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Sustainability Outlook: Partnerships
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017
Future activities & collaboration Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Future activities & collaboration Upload additional metadata on the repository Link the publications and DOIs to ORCID (DataCite) Data analysis with R, STATA, SPSS, MYSQL (front-end or back-end) Cloning of OAR on NADA: Create a NADA website that exposes the datasets through the Invenio REST API (oar.ui.edu.ng) See more collaborations and opportunities for capacity development
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Conclusion Africa knowledge management system has transited from oral tradition to documentation and archiving using the internet resources with the universities playing significant roles Institutional and internationalisation policy frameworks are drivers of change in data initiatives Africa Impacts are being generated through visibility and recognition
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Recommendations Most of the universities in Africa want to be world-class. Hence, catching-up would be required in order to compete favourably in the global space. Uniqueness and relevance should be more important in the competitive space that seeks to promote FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data There is need for networking of the institutions (south-south & north-south) while maintaining individual identity and mandate. Deployment resources and enhancement of partnerships are required for sustainable metadata repository in Africa
Dr Olawale E. Olayide, Data Initiatives in Africa 2017 Acknowledgments Sponsored by: Supported by: ADP/PARIS21 Accelerated Data Program