Jeremy Landforms
Ruin Ruin are building that were complete but by time to time the building fallen. It became a ruin because lack of maintenance or no one wants to volunteer to repair it. One of the famous. Ruins can be any building but usually its temple like the Mayan temple.
Stone Wall Stone wall are walls that are made of rocks. Usually wall of a castle is made by stone and that is why they call it stone wall. Stone wall are very strong and its hard to destroy it. Right now some people use stone wall to hold of floods. The stone wall is made by stacking stone.
Plateau Plateau is stable land that has no elevated land like in the picture. Plateau are usually in a canyon. The most famous plateau is the Colorado Plateau.
Marsh Marsh is a type of wetland that is subject to continuous flood. Marsh is found in lake that is shallow that features grasses.
Swamp Swamp is a type of wetlands. Generally swamp has a large numbers of hammocks.
Mountain Mountain is a large landform. Mountain is steeper than a hill. The picture in the left is Mount. Cook in New Zealand.
Canyon Canyon is a landform that is form by a process of a long time erosion from a plateau level. Canyon is also a landforms that has a deep ravine between cliffs often carved from the landscape by a river. The picture in the left is Grand Canyon in USA
Glacier Glacier is a large persistent body of ice that forms when snow exceeds its melting point. The picture in the left is Fox Glacier in New Zealand.
Archipelago Archipelago is a group of islands like Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the Biggest Archipelago.
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