Student Experience Survey Spring 2009 Report Prepared by the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment 05/07/2009 Final Version
Methodology Student Surveys administered Online and Paper The survey was sent out to 1302 students in 54 sections of Eng 125 and Eng 200. Paper return: 53.3% (344/646) Online return: 8.2% (41/501) 155 invalid or missing emails not included Total response rate: 33.6% (385/1147)
Demographic Information Gender % Male 31.1 Female 68.9 Age % Under 24 88.5 24 to 39 9.6 Above 40 1.9 Ethnicity % White Non Hispanic 4.9 Black/African American, Caribbean 49.6 American Indian 0.5 Asian, Pacific Islanders or Filipino 13.6 Hispanic/ Latino 21.8 Other 9.5 Class % Freshmen 71.3 Sophomore 22.3 Junior 4.0 Senior 0.8 Other 1.6
Summary 5 Most Satisfied* 5 Most Dissatisfied** Library Facilities – 67.9% Study area – 64% Library services – 62.9% Computer lab hours – 56.5% Library collections – 56.5% 5 Most Dissatisfied** Registration procedure – 38.1% Financial aid services – 33.8% Food services – 32.3% Availability of computers on campus – 29.1% Parking – 27% * Combine very satisfied & satisfied ** Combine very dissatisfied & dissatisfied
Academic Support Services 2008 % 2009 % % change Academic advising Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 24.8 17.0 -7.8 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 46.8 44.2 -2.6 Tutoring services 19.8 11.0 -8.8 49.7 53.4 3.6 Library facilities 8.0 9.4 1.5 66.7 67.9 1.3 Library services 6.5 9.3 2.7 68.1 62.9 -5.1 Library collections 13.7 7.9 -5.8 58.5 56.5 -2.0 Science laboratories 13.4 12.3 -1.1 41.6 40.1 -1.5 Learning labs 12.0 8.1 -3.9 49.1 56.0 6.8 Study areas 21.5 10.7 -10.8 64.0 10.6
Student Services Personal counseling Athletic facilities 2008 % 2009 % % change Personal counseling Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 23.5 12.6 -11.0 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 32.4 42.3 10.0 Athletic facilities 11.9 -1.9 47.6 55.4 7.9 Intramural athletic offerings 10.2 13.0 2.9 33.1 38.0 5.0 Career planning and placement 23.8 18.1 -5.8 30.5 38.6 8.1 Student health services 16.7 11.4 -5.2 35.7 42.1 6.4 Child care services 12.5 10.1 -2.4 22.7 33.3 10.6
Student Services (continued) 2008 % 2009 % % change Services for students with disabilities Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 5.8 12.9 7.1 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 34.9 33.1 -1.8 Services for international students 22.1 11.5 -10.6 26.3 36.7 10.4 Veteran services 4.2 7.2 3.0 23.9 28.8 4.9 Women's center 8.0 8.2 0.2 32.0 38.4 6.4 Men's center -- 7.7 38.5 Student government 15.7 14.4 -1.2 31.3 32.8 1.5
Administrative Services 2008 % 2009 % % change Registration procedure Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 23.6 38.1 14.5 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 56.1 37.6 -18.5 Testing office 12.0 14.4 2.4 46.5 45.0 -1.6 Financial aid services 30.8 33.8 3.1 42.1 39.2 -2.9 Billing and payment procedures 16.2 20.5 4.3 56.0 47.1 -8.9 Admissions process 17.8 24.3 6.5 56.8 44.1 -12.6
Computer Services Campus computing in general Computer lab hours 2008 % 2009 % % change Campus computing in general Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 15.7 14.4 -1.3 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 61.2 51.6 -9.5 Computer lab hours 10.5 11.0 0.4 67.9 56.5 -11.5 Availability of computer labs on campus 22.8 22.6 -0.1 53.6 47.9 -5.6 Availability of computers on campus 29.7 29.1 -0.5 46.3 45.4 -1.0 Availability of wireless internet access 15.2 23.1 7.8 49.0 52.6 3.5
Other Services Condition of buildings and grounds Campus security 2008 % 2009 % % change Condition of buildings and grounds Very Dissatisfied + Dissatisfied 19.1 16.3 -2.8 Very Satisfied + Satisfied 47.8 50.4 2.6 Campus security 14.1 17.6 3.5 54.8 49.0 -5.8 Food services -- 32.3 37.8 Parking 27.0 44.9
PMP – 1 3.02 2.94 2.88* 2.89 2.56 2.45* Academic Support Services 11 Academic Support Services (Library services, Science laboratories, Learning labs) 2009 2008 PMP PMP 3.02 2.94 2.88* Student Services (Personal counseling, Career planning and placement, Student health services) 2009 2008 PMP PMP 2.89 2.56 2.45* * Numbers appeared on the PMP 2008 report. The indicators were weighted to compensate for response bias. The weight formula is different every year. The 2008 PMP was weighted based on college attendance, admission type, full-time/part-time status, gender, ethnicity, age, citizenship, language spoken at home, and cumulative GPA. 11
PMP – 2 2.87 2.84 2.82* 2.63 2.76 2.67* Computer Services 12 Computer Services (Campus computing in general, Computer lab hours, Availability of computer labs on campus, Availability of computers on campus) 2009 2008 PMP PMP 2.87 2.84 2.82* Administrative Services (Registration procedure, Testing office, Financial aid services, Billing and payment procedures) 2009 2008 PMP 2.63 2.76 2.67* * Numbers appeared on the PMP 2008 report. The indicators were weighted to compensate for response bias. The weight formula is different every year. The 2008 PMP was weighted based on college attendance, admission type, full-time/part-time status, gender, ethnicity, age, citizenship, language spoken at home, and cumulative GPA. 12