The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn Bushido Scroll Project VALUES CLARIFICATION & CONNECTION TO NOVEL AND HISTORY
What is BUSHIDO? Literally means “way of the warrior” Code of behavior for samurais Term came into use during Tokugawa shogunate Similar to European concept of chivalry Consists of seven virtues
History of Bushido Bushido, which means "way of the warrior," refers to a complex set of Japanese values stressing honor and loyalty to country and family above all else. These values began to develop very informally as early as the ninth century among the samurai warrior class, as various ideas circulated about the characteristics of an ideal warrior.
Seven Virtues of Bushido _______ (義 gi) _______ (勇 yū) _______ (仁 jin) _______ (禮 rei) _______ (誠 makoto) _______ (名誉 meiyo) _______ (忠義 chūgi) There are seven virtues associated with Bushido. A virtue is a quality considered good or desireable in a person or thing. For example, promptness might be considered a virtue. Diligence, or careful and persistent work, could be a virtue. What do you think the seven virtues of Bushido are? Brainstorm with your classmates to come up with a list.
Seven Virtues of Bushido Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) These are the seven virtues of Bushido. Most of these words are probably familiar to you. Here are some definitions you might not know: Rectitude: Morally correct behavior and thinking. Benevolence: Kindness; a desire to do good to other people. Jot each of these into your notes. You do not need to know the associated Japanese word.
7 Virtues of Bushido - SEIKEI Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) Samurais were expected to live their lives according to these ideals. Seikei was familiar with these seven virtues based on his reading of Code of the Samurai by Daidoji Yuzan. QuickWrite (5 minutes): Give 2-3 examples of how Seikei tried to live up to these ideals.
7 Virtues of Bushido - JUDGE OOKA Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) Judge Ooka also read the Code of the Samurai by Daidoji Yuzan. QuickWrite (5 minutes): Do you think Judge Ooka follows all of these virtues? Give examples from the story of when he does or does not follow Bushido.
7 Virtues of Bushido - LORD HAKUSEKI Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) Lord Hakuseki is a daimyo and thus is part of the samurai culture. QuickWrite (5 minutes): Do you think Lord Hakuseki follows Bushido? Give specific examples from the novel supporting your opinion.
7 Virtues of Bushido - TOMOMI Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) We are still getting to know Tomomi (the lead actor of the kabuki troupe), but depending on how far you have read, you may see some qualities of Bushido in him. QuickWrite (5 minutes): Based on what you know of Tomomi, which virtues does he follow? Which does he not follow? Support your response with evidence from the text.
Seven Virtues of Bushido - YOU Rectitude (義 gi) Courage (勇 yū) Benevolence (仁 jin) Respect (禮 rei) Honesty (誠 makoto) Honour (名誉 meiyo) Loyalty (忠義 chūgi) Imagine if Bushido was a part of our world. QuickWrite (5 minutes): Which of these seven virtues do you personally most identify with? Which one do you least identify with? Why? What seven words would comprise your personal bushido? Of those seven, which ones are the most important?
Bushido Scroll In Japan (and other countries), some people put up hand painted scrolls of the seven Bushido virtues. These are decorative pieces of art as well as reminders of cultural heritage and ways to live one’s life.
2013 Bushido Music SPIRIT Intellect TRUTH Nature PURPOSE Family
Now make your own Bushido scroll Requirements: Seven virtues (okay to use some of the ones you’ve seen) Each virtue should be an abstract noun Three central virtues chosen from the seven Artistic rendering of the virtues 2 paragraphs explaining your scroll and the words you chose. Due next Friday, March 24
Bushido Scroll Scoring Rubric 30 points possible 10 pts Seven virtues are represented, with three central virtues featured. Each virtue is an abstract noun. 10 pts Creativity, quality, neatness 10 pts 2 paragraphs (thorough and thoughtful explanation of virtues and why they are meaningful to you, complete sentences, standard English language conventions)