South Korea vs. South Africa Teenage Culture Differences VS.
School Life in South Africa
School Life in South Africa Most schools have both boys and girls together. A student usually only attends 3 schools: Pre-School (= kindergarten) Primary School (Grade 1 – 7) High School (Grade 8 – 12) School hours: 8am – 2:30pm After school sports: 3pm – 4:30pm
School Life in South Africa Sports games are played between schools on the weekends. Students do not attend academy. Students are encouraged to do well in all aspects of their lives – school work, sports, cultural activities, socialisation etc.
School Life in South Africa In Grade 12, the students have a big party called the “Matric Dance”. Couples attend the dance together & girls spend a lot of money on their outfits.
Usually each dance has a “theme”:
School Life in South Africa After Grade 12, students often go to university or take a “gap year”. A gap year is a year with no studying. Usually teenagers will use this time to travel or get a job. After a gap year, teenagers often (but not always) go to university.
School Life in South Korea
School Life in South Korea School life is very demanding & stressful. Students must get good grades at all times! Students often go to academy after school. Students study for 16 hours a day. School hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm + academy + homework. Sports are played within school hours. Many schools are boys-only or girls-only.
Hobbies in South Africa Teenagers have many hobbies & schools offer many sports or activities. E.g. swimming, soccer, rugby, hockey, netball, cricket, photography, debating, choir, squash, water polo, running, rock climbing, softball, music. There are NO PC rooms in South Africa!
Hobbies in South Korea Students do not have much free time so their hobbies are usually indoors. E.g. Computer games, smart phone games, watching TV, reading, studying, playing sports, playing a musical instrument.
Dating in South Africa Some teenagers start dating when they start high school (i.e. grade 8 = age 12). Usually they are school friends. It is OK to hold hands, visit each others houses, watch movies together. When older, it is ok to kiss! Teenagers celebrate their anniversary by the number of months they have been dating. Couples do not wear couple rings or clothes.
Dating in South Korea Students study first and date later. Couples wear couple clothes or couple rings. Couples celebrate their anniversary of 100 days. Couples should not kiss. Often couples meet through “blind dates”.
Worries & Stress for South African Teenagers Drugs & alcohol Bullying & violence (in school and out of school) Rape Unplanned pregnancies & sex Cultural differences within schools (e.g. black vs. white vs. Indian.) Grades Appearance & fashion Poverty
Worries & Stress for South Korean Teenagers Grades, grades, grades! Appearance & fashion. Plastic surgery. Suicide. Relationships with girlfriend or boyfriend. Must get into a good university to get a good job.
Military Service South Africans do not have to go to the army if they don’t want to. Male South Koreans MUST go to the military for 2 years. ..\..\..\..\..\Downloads\South Korean Air Force parody Les Miserables.flv
Idols Teenagers in both countries idolize famous actors, actresses and sportsmen.