Interrogative Pronouns Who, Which, What, Whom, Whose
What are interrogative Pronouns? Essential Question What are interrogative Pronouns? An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used to introduce an interrogative sentence.
Interrogative Pronouns The interrogative pronouns who and whom both refer to people. Who is used when the interrogative pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Example: Who is Pandora? Who gives Pandora her name?
Interrogative Pronouns The interrogative pronouns who and whom both refer to people. Whom is used when the interrogative pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. Example: Whom does Zeus call? For Whom does Hephaestus make a staff?
Interrogative Pronouns Subject or object Who gives Pandora her name? Subject of the sentence Whom does Zeus dislike? Direct object of the verb To whom does Zeus give a gift? Object of the preposition
Interrogative Pronouns The interrogative pronouns which and what are used to refer to things. Example: Some gifts are for Pandora. Which are they? Athena makes Pandora a robe. What does Hephaestus make?
Interrogative Pronouns The interrogative pronoun whose shows that someone possesses something. Example: The jar is in Pandora’s house. Whose is it?
Interrogative Pronouns DO NOT confuse Who’s with Whose Example: Who’s reading the myth. (contraction for who is) Whose lightening bolt is this? (interrogative pronoun)