Promiseland Workshop Lesson Preparation and Presentation Sarah Mar Aug. 15th, 2015
Ask four questions (1 minute) Introduce your new friend Find a new friend Ask four questions (1 minute) 1. Name 2. City or country he/she was born 3. His/her favorite tourist spot 4. Her/his favorite dessert Introduce your new friend Write down the first and last answers on the two separate index cards
Divide groups & play memory game Spring birthday ---(March-May) Summer birthday ---June-August Fall Birthday September---November Winter Birthday ---December-Feburary
Workshop Outline When and How to plan your Sunday School lesson? How to present your lesson? Storytelling! -Beginning/Appetizer Class activities and games -Middle/Main Dish -End/Dessert Prepare and present the lesson with your team members Q & A Sharing the story of long distance healing
When and How to plan your Sunday School lesson? When to plan? Monday: Fresh memories, reflection, (prayers, songs, games, rules) Reading the Sunday School materials becomes part of my daily devotion Mid-week: Plan the outline/PPT for next week Saturday: Review my teaching PPT or outline How to plan? Prayers for myself and students Read & summarize the story Search the age appropriate visual pictures Choose the activities Plan the lesson outline/PPT Review and Rehearse
Lesson Presentation: Part 1: Beginning (10-15 minutes) Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Warm up activity /game Step 3 Review last week Bible verse Step 4 Apply to students’ daily routine Step 5 Prayer
Games & Activities (K-5th grade) Memory games Order of the Bible Books Scrabble words and find the Bible verse Bible Verse Puzzle Story Sequence Guess who he/she is (Bible character) Role Play
Lesson Presentation: Part 2: Middle (15-20 minutes) 1 Prior knowledge What do you know about…. 2 Introduce the Bible story with visual prompt or PPT? 3 Ask students to open their own Bibles and find the story verses and take turn to read outloud the verses. 4 Sometimes let the students be the story tellers. Show them the picture and let them tell the story. Step 5 Stop and ask “Why” and “What if “ and “how” questions. If you were Joseph, what would you do to your brothers? Why?
Lesson Presentation: Part 3: Ending (10-15 minutes) Role Play Step 1 Ask who, where, when and how questions to wrap up the story. How can you apply to your daily life? Step 2 What have you learned from this lesson? Try to memorize together. Step 3 Open the Bible and find this week verse. Step 4 Distribute Kid’s Talk Card and work together. Kids’ recess Step 5 Prayer
Prepare a lesson with your team. Road to Damascus, Acts 9:1-22 Divide into three teams(Beginning, Middle and End) Review the story of Joseph 5-8 minutes to prepare 3-5 minutes to share and present with your plan God is looking for progress not for perfection. It is all right to make mistakes….
Q & A
Teaching to Change Lives by Howard G Hendricks Faithful Available Teachable
Sharing Your Own Story with Students We are part of their story -Long Distance Healing vs Simon’s Dental Implant
New Teacher’s Tip Review the classroom rules all the time (Respect teachers and classmates, Keep your hands to yourself, Raise hand before you talk, Use inside voice ) R. K. R. U. Bribery vs Encouragement More interactive activities, less worksheet---Move around Encourage students to bring their own Bibles Safety Issue Plan ahead ----Review & Modify Allow yourself and students to make mistakes