EHR Incentive Program 2017 Program Requirements
Overview Introduction to the EHR Incentive Program Brief Tutorial on How to Attest Supporting Documentation List Explanation of Meaningful Use Update on Program Year Changes Review Process Overview List of Common Attestation Mistakes Contact Information for Issues
EHR Incentive Program Government Program through Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Encourage Uptake of Electronic Health Records Six Year Program Adopt, Implement, Upgrade (1 year) Meaningful Use Program continues through Program Year 2021 After 2016, no longer taking brand new applicants, only those who have attested successfully before (can be from a different state)
How to Attest Attest by visiting the MAPIR website System will prompt attester for certain necessary information Attester will need to select stage (for 2017, stage 2 or 3)
2017 Stage 2 Meaningful Use 10 Meaningful Use Objectives Protect electronic protected health information Clinical Decision Support Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) ePrescribing (eRx) Health Information Exchange Patient-specific education Medication reconciliation Patient electronic access Secure electronic messaging Public Health Reporting Certified EHR Technology from 2014 or later Providers may count numerator occurrences from outside 90 days Must upload supporting documentation showing fulfillment of objective numerator CQMs for returning providers collected over 365 days For more information, see 2017 CMS Stage 2 Guidelines
2017 Stage 3 Meaningful Use 8 Meaningful Use Objectives Protect electronic protected health information ePrescribing (eRx) Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) Patient electronic access Coordination of care Health Information Exchange Public Health Reporting Certified EHR Technology from 2015 only Some exceptions made for a mix of 2014 and 2015 technology as long as MU requirements can be met Providers may count numerator occurrences from outside 90 days Must upload supporting documentation showing fulfillment of objective numerator CQMs for returning providers collected over 365 days For more information, see 2017 CMS Stage 3 Guidelines
How to Attest Attester will need to upload supporting documentation Checklist of Supporting Documentation available on CHATTER website Attester will need to submit attestation before March 30th, 2018 If they have done Meaningful Use in prior program years, they will need 365 days of CQM data, so they cannot attest until January 2018 for the 2017 program year
Supporting Documentation CEHRT Page EHR Technology certification ID Generated by Office of National Coordinator ( 2014 edition or later for Stage 2 2015 edition only for Stage 3 Invoice or Purchase Order Shows proof of purchase NOT License Agreement Security Risk Analysis (SRA) Includes date of analysis done in 2017 Patient Encounter List (PEL)
Supporting Documentation Patient Encounter List (PEL) Excel file format Must contain all columns specified in template (see CHATTER website) 90 Days of data No duplicate encounters “One provider, one patient, one day” Must contain 30% or more Medicaid patients by volume (20% for Pediatricians) If attesting as group, PEL must be same for entire group
Meaningful Use Meaningful Use Documents Meaningful Use (MU) Objectives 90 days worth of information for all providers generated by CEHRT Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) 90 days worth of data for all first time meaningful use generated by CEHRT 365 days worth of data for all returning meaningful use generated by CEHRT Immunization Registry for EPs who administer immunizations to patients 0-6 MUST Portal certificate from previous program year (2015 or 2016) If EP does not have a MUST certificate from prior years, contact Diane Fraiter at DPH for registration: 860-509-7938 or Registration Confirmation for additional specialized registries
Review Process After submission, a review process begins: Reviewers: UConn HIT staff ( Email with issues will be sent to all listed contacts post-review Attester will revise attestation and resubmit if necessary Review continues until all issues resolved After issues are resolved, the review is considered complete Payment is typically issued in the next financial cycle which can be up to 2 weeks from the completion date.
Common Attestation Errors PEL is not in the required format (see CHATTER website) PEL contains duplicate encounters (same patient, same day, same provider) Missing Supporting Documentation (see CHATTER website for list) CEHRT ID put in MAPIR different than ONC provided CEHRT Page SRA from wrong program year or no SRA completed at all (SRA must be from 2017 for PY2017) Supporting documentation numbers do not match numbers entered into MAPIR (PEL and CEHRT Report)
More Information Center for Medicaid and Medicare Service website ( UConn HIT support website (CHATTER) Department of Social Services ( If you have questions that those sites cannot answer contact: For MAPIR technical issues: DXC 1 (855) 313-6638 For program and attestation issues: UConn HIT staff 1 (844) 607-7455.