October Follow us on Twitter at MrsRStough Mrs. Robin Stough News from Mrs. Stough Upcoming Events October 10/10 – Hearing Screening 10/13 – Space Test 10/16 – PTO Fundraiser Due 10/17 - Elizabethtown Walking Tour Field Trip 10/18 - Addition and Subtraction Test 10/19 – Picture Day 10/19 – Book Orders Due 10/24 – Book Character Pumpkins Due 10/27 – Dress as Book Character (Rheems Nursing Home Visit) 10/31 – Fall Celebration Wild About Learning! English/Language Arts – We finished a unit on nonfiction and are now learning how fictional stories are organized. Students should be able to summarize a text using a story map. They should also be able to describe a character’s traits and support these traits with text evidence. Finally, students should be able to explain and use clarifying and monitoring strategies when they read words or ideas they do not understand. Math – We finished our first unit on place value and are now working on addition and subtraction with regrouping. It is essential for students to know their addition and subtraction facts in order to demonstrate understanding of adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers. First In Math and Rocket Math are 2 resources we use regularly in the classroom to support fact mastery. Science – Students learned about the physical characteristics of the Earth, Moon, and Sun before learning about how these bodies move in space. Language Arts was also integrated throughout this unit as students were challenged to study a topic of choice/interest that will be presented to the class. These projects will be due by next Friday. We will be working on these in class, but feel free to support your child at home as well. Mrs. Robin Stough robin_stough@etownschools.org Follow us on Twitter at MrsRStough