EBA2013 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & REPORTING 2 Sharon Cheuk (Level 3, ext 4419)
Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, students will be able to: Able to differentiate appropriate accounting principles to account for revenue and changes in accounting policies, estimates and correction of errors, provisions & contingencies. Able to measure the events after the balance sheet date and suggest appropriate accounting treatments and enable to account for issue and buyback of shares, deferred taxes.
Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, students will be able to: Demonstrate basic and diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) and prepare statement of changes in equity and cash flow. Prepare and examine interim and annual published financial statements and the importance of ethics and the financial position and performance of firms in its financial reporting process.
Proposed Timetable Week Topic 1 Course introduction Revenue recognition – General 2 Revenue recognition – Construction Contracts 3 Borrowing costs 4 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates & errors 5 Events after the reporting period/balance sheet date 6 Provisions, contingent liabilities, contingent assets 7 Accounting for equity - reconstruction 4 4
Proposed Timetable Week Topic MID SEMESTER BREAK 8 MID SEMESTER EXAM 9 Deferred tax 10 Statement of Cash Flows 11 Earnings per share 12 Interim financial reporting 13 Comprehensive cases 14 Comprehensive cases (Contd.) 5 5
Assessment Type of assessment Marks Quiz/Assignment 20% Mid-Semester Examination Final Examination 60% Total 100% Type of assessment 20% Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Mid-Term Test 25% Final Test 35% Total 100%
Course entrance survey form On Morpheus Please complete immediately after this class
Tutorial 1-hour tutorial Tutor will guide in doing exercises What is your free day/time in a week?
Text and References Lazar, J. and H.C.C. (2014). Financial Reporting Standards for Malaysia. (4th Ed.), Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill Education. Tong, T. L.(2017). Financial Accounting and Reporting in Malaysia, Volume 1, (6th Ed.). Kuala Lumpur: CCH. Ahmad, A., Saat, N. A. M, Mahmud, R., Aripin, R. M. , R., Ngalim, S. M., Talib, M. A.and Abdullah, A. A. (2015). Financial Accounting and Reporting 1. Shah Alam, Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd. Wood, F. and Sangster, A. (2012). Frank Wood's Business Accounting 2. (12th Ed.), London: FT Prentice Hall. Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance, (2012). Kuala Lumpur: Securities Commission of Malaysia. (Accessed at https://www.sc.com.my/malaysian-code-on-corporate-governance-2012)