SPD DCS Overview & FED Server Ivan Amos Calì Università degli studi di Bari / CERN
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Outlook ALICE DCS structure overview SPD DCS general scheme & hierarchy FE DCS status repost FED server (Ivan) PVSS layer (Simone) Analysis tools & sector0 test results (Cesar) SPD DCS Status report SPD DCS outlook 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS Used for… ALICE RUN: Detector Configuration Status control Characterization Sector & DCS - FERO Performance Test 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting ALICE DCS P. Chochula TB040504 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS I SPD DCS Sect0-9 HSect0-1 HS0-5 Infra FED Power HV LV Cooling Legend: FED (HSn) Cooling (Sect n) HSnPower Device U CU LV (HSn) 0-1 HV (HSn) LU 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS II set mode {PHYSICS, TEST, …} OFF startup NOT_READY configure READY {mode} shutdown standby recover INCOMPLETE shutdown shutdown ERROR recover 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS III HS cooling HS FED 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
SPD Data and Control flux Optical VME Ethernet (DIM) FED Device Unit (PVSS) Shuttle to Cond. DB PVSS Archive (to Cond.DB) Config. DB Commands & Status Commands & Status Data to DAQ FED Server Analysis Tool CDT (ROOT) FED Servers (x2 Side A & C) Data & Ctl Data 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting FED Server DIM Server: Allow communication with higher level software Receive commands (string) Update status information, alarms and Data Comm & Status DIM Server Application Layer Driver Layer Application Layer: Detector control and monitoring agents Automatic calibration routines Configuration DB interface Conf DB connection Comm. & Ctl Driver Layer: VME access drivers Resource control agents 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
FED Server Status Report I DIM server fully operative: > 150 commands Hi and Low level understood (strings) Priority channel for Alarm handling Communication with Analysis tools and PVSS implemented & tested Instructions Broadcast function 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
FED Server Status Report II On-detector and Off-detector electronic manual control fully operative HS configuration storage class tested Automatic HS configuration operative 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
FED Server Status Report III Interface to configuration file tested Automatic uniformity matrix and threshold scans implemented Automatic temperature and voltage error handling developed VME Driver layer operative 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting FED Server Summary FED version 2.2.7 released Full system running in DFS and used for test sector0 Performances studies demonstrated compliance with specification of: Data transmission speed (4 Mb/s) Memory occupancy (10 Mb with buffer empty - 500 Mb buffer full) Operational speed specification fulfilled 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting FED Server outlook Configuration DB interface FED server automatic configuration from local scripts FED server stand-alone mode test and recovery procedures Studies on system performance with 2 FED servers running 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Configuration DB I 1 Load/Store: Pixel DACs, API , DIP and GOL configuration. Noisy and dead pixels masks HV, LV settings 2 Store: MeanTH for each chip RMS noise for each chip MinimumTH for each chip Uniformity matrix for each chip S-curves ? 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Configuration DB II Implemented Pixel chip DACs 52 800 bytes API-DPI-GOL configuration 2 400 bytes API conversions 1 920 000 bytes Mask & Dead pixel (1% & data compr) 393 216 bytes HV, LV settings 2 880 bytes MeanTH & RMS noise 4800 bytes MinimumTH 1200 bytes Uniformity scan 19 660 800 bytes S-curves (10 DAC values) 196 608 000 bytes TOT. 218 646 096 bytes First prototype of Oracle configuration DB created on devdb10 by S.Kapusta. 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Outlook Simone & Cesar Talk SPD DCS outlook 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS Outlook I SPD DCS Config. DB Sect0-9 HSect0-1 HS0-5 Infra FED Power HV LV Cooling Legend: FED (HSn) Cooling (Sect n) HSnPower Device U CU LV (HSn) 0-1 HV (HSn) LU 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS Outlook II HV/LV FSM (LU & infrastructure control) Cooling FSM Import FED control into JCOP framework DU type and FSM for FED Configuration DB integration SPD FSM and ECS integration 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting BACKUP 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
SPD hardware Interlock 10 lines coming from the routers for API PT1000 chain 10 lines coming from 2nd PT1000 chain 10 lines coming from the cooling plants (each for each sector): loop locked | Error Alarms 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting SPD DCS Outlook II Time table proposal: First SPD DCS prototype: June – July Integration with Alice ECS - DAQ: July – August Test of the full chain on 2nd half barrel: September – October Who: FED: Cesar, Simone, Ivan Cooling: Arturo, Gianluca HV/LV ? SPD FSM ? Sectors tests ? 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Characterization Define working parameter: Noisy and dead Pixels Uniformity of response Minimum and Mean TH Fast-OR Reference Voltages parameterization 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Configuration and Status Control MCM and Read Out chip configuration References and Vdd (API Feedback) Temperature SEU JTAG Chain status (chip on the chain) Off-detector electronic status Busy and trigger control for synchronization (missing L1, L2-Header status bit) Errors Handling and interlock status 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
FED Server internal structure DIM Server Supervision Agent Manual Control Agent Pooling Operation Control Data Buffer ChDecoder Access Control Manager Driver Layer 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
SPD Data and Control flux OFF-DETECTOR ELECTRONICS (Routers & LinkRxs) ALICE DAQ (AliRoot) Data & Ctl Data Data Comm. & Ctl Data Optical VME Ethernet (DIM) MOOD FED Server 1 2 Comm & Status Data DB ANALYSIS TOOLS PVSS 2 1 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Glossary ECS: Experiment Control System DCS: Detector Control System FED: Front End Device FERO: Front End ReadOut Electronics PCA: Partition Control Agent ECA: Experiment Control Agent DIM: Data Interschange manager 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Configuration DB II 440 DACs/HS x 120 = 52800 bytes API-DPI-GOL= 20 byte x 120 = 2400 bytes API conversion = 16000 byte x 120 = 1920 000 bytes Mask&Dead 1% of 8192 x 1200 x 4 = 393 216 bytes HV, LV settings 360 channels x 8 bytes = 2880 bytes MeanTH&RMS 1200 chip x 4 bytes = 4800 bytes MinTH 1200 chip x 1 byte = 1200 byte Uniformity 1200 chip x 8192 ch x 2 byte= 19 660 800 S-curves 1200 chip x 8192 ch x 2 byte x 10 DAC values = 196 608 000 bytes TOT 218 646 096 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Bandwidth I 1 Negligible 2 4 Mb/s due to handshake overhead MeanTH raw data: 32 active pixels * 10 chip / 2 = 160 UInt32 + 10 header-trailer = 170 UInt32 x 6 HS + 8 UInt32 rt header = 1028 UInt32 /(router * trigger * rows) 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting
Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting Bandwidth II x 20 routers = 20560 UInt32 x 100 Trigger x 10 DACs = 20 560 000 UInt32 x 256 rows = 5 263 360 000 UInt32 = 21 053 440 000 bytes 06/03/2006 Ivan Amos Calì - SPD General Meeting