Duke Of Edinburgh Award An opportunity to participate in and achieve a world recognised award demonstrating your skills and commitment.
Timescales Bronze - Year9 – Year10, a year in total Begin now, summer of Year 9, complete summer Y10 3 sections of Volunteering, Physical, Skill, completed and assessed by December - March Y10 Expedition training, one evening after school Spring term of Y10 Practice and Qualifying expeditions Spring of Y10 Awards completed by Summer of Y10
Sections Volunteering –helping people or animals in need, charity for a non-profit organisation Physical - a sporting activity football, rugby, hockey, swim, run, bike, judo, Skill - an activity drama, instrument, language, All for 1 hour a week, every week for 3 months (and choose one for 6) Each section must have an assessor who will fill in a form to verify completion (can’t be a family member)
Information http://moodle.queenelizabeth.cumbria.sch.uk/index.php All information is posted on Moodle Check your school emails regularly See Mr Brooks in the History office Monday lunchtime 1.15-1.30
What next? Take home the letter and discuss with your parents Decide on what you are going to do for your 3 sections Complete the application form and return to the school office Get on with your sections so you can complete before the deadlines Check your school email for your eDofE login
eDofE The online verification system You’ll need to log on when you get your username and password Follow the instructions posted on Moodle Upload all your information on each section and ‘submit’ Upload assessor reports when each section completed and before the deadlines.