CS6020 Advanced Architecture Project: OBJECTIVE: Given a truth table, use commercial-grade circuit simulator to construct circuit from reduced boolean function. Your circuit will be presented and tested for accuracy. Light probes should be connected to all outputs for testing reasons Switches should be connected to all inputs in providing the tester the ability to enter various inputs Each of you will have a different truth table (D2L) Any students that “recently” took my undergraduate architecture course will have an advantage because I recently introduced Multisim to them Watch and listen to two recordings in gathering a basic understanding of Multisim’s gate circuitry capabilities Follow instructions in gaining access to Multisim. The Advanced Assembly programming project will be rolled out on October 4th. And the research project will be rolled out on October 4th Both the Architecture and Assembly Programming project work are due on October 17th at 5pm – upload to D2L. More details regarding this to follow Presentations for the Advanced Architecture and Assembly Programming projects will be held on Oct 18, Oct 25 and Nov 1st – you need to come only on the night you present. You will have 9 minutes each to demo your circuit and program – more details about the format will come later – you can only demo the circuit and program uploaded to D2L The research project is due on November 28th at 5pm – more details about this later Dr. Clincy Lecture
Table and Presentation Assignments FULL_NAME Table # Presentation Date Boyanapalli, Udaybhaskar 1 18-Oct Chaturvedula, Sreesowmya 2 Choudhari, Vaishali 3 Davis, Maya 4 Fox, Courtney Lillian 5 Hawkes, William 6 Jarvis, Troy Lee 7 Jerkovic, David 8 25-Oct Ko, Euiseong 9 Kranzlein, Michael Moore 10 Mayes, Kyle Thomas 11 McGlincy, Sean 12 Nair, Rajesh Vijayan 13 Patel, Nidhibahen Jayantibhai 14 Patel, Ravi Vijay 15 1-Nov Patil, Sweta Mohan 16 Robinson, Lauren 17 Rodriguez, Jorge Luis 18 Samson, Eric Jay 19 Sexton, Levi Zackary 20 Dr. Clincy Lecture