Welcome! Todays agenda: What is Gynzy? Let’s look at an interactive lesson We’re going to make that lesson! Create your own account How to save and share your lesson Questions?
What is Gynzy?
With Gynzy you can create engaging and interactive lessons in seconds.
Let’s look at a lesson!
Now let me show you how YOU can make this lesson too!
When you log in to Gynzy, you will start in the Tools tab, where you can search for activities. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one at www.gynzy.com I will show you how you can create your account later.
Search or browse for an activity of your choice and open it by clicking on the activity.
In this activity, or tool, you can make a receipt and practice paying with money. You can also change the settings to increase or decrease the difficulty of the activity.
Now let’s add some more information about taxes Now let’s add some more information about taxes. Click on the + button in the right bottom corner to add a blank page.
On the next page, we’re going to add a video. Click the Extra’s button.
If you click the media button, different kinds of media will appear If you click the media button, different kinds of media will appear. Click YouTube.
Search for a video and add it to your page by clicking it.
Add a new page and search for a tool about taxes in the Tools tab Add a new page and search for a tool about taxes in the Tools tab. Click it to open it.
You can add a picture with the images button You can add a picture with the images button. You can add images from Google, your computer or Gynzy’s image library. Gynzy is filled with fun images and illustrations!
Click an image to add it to your page. You can also scale and rotate it.
Okay, let’s have a time out from creating this lesson.
On your own computer or tablet, go to Gynzy On your own computer or tablet, go to Gynzy.com and create an account by filling in all your credentials.
Log in and take a look at all the tools Gynzy has to offer Log in and take a look at all the tools Gynzy has to offer. You can search by filling in the search bar. Choose a tool and open it.
That was fun! Now we will continue with our lesson on the IWB.
Add a new page and let’s make a quiz Add a new page and let’s make a quiz! Add some text by selecting the Type button. You can choose a font, color, alignment and size.
To make the quiz look more professional, you can add a line with the Shape tool. Choose your color, border color, border size and shape.
Also add two orange rectangles with a white border Also add two orange rectangles with a white border. These are going to function as answer backgrounds.
After you added all text fields, select the Pen tool, to add a tick and a cross under the right and wrong answer. With the Pen tool, you can also make highlights!
To hide the answers, we’re going to add a cover To hide the answers, we’re going to add a cover. Select the Widgets tool and choose cover. Scale it down so it fits the answers.
For the next question, you can make the answers like a multiple choice inquiry. Just choose different shapes, it’s as easy as pie!
Students love to work with the IWB, so for the next question, create the opportunity to let one of them write down the answer in an empty rectangle.
After all this hard work, you would love to treat your students to some fun wouldn’t you? Let’s open “Hangman with your own words” to make an applicable game!
Click to open the game. To add words, go to settings.
Click “Create a new word list” and give your list a title Click “Create a new word list” and give your list a title. Add words in the content section and click Save when you’re ready. Your wordlist will be saved in the cloud, so you can always use it for another lesson!
To save your lesson, click the overview button and click save in the pop-up.
And it’s saved! To share your lesson, drag the lesson to the School Folder while saving it.
Now you can make a fun, engaging and interactive lesson Now you can make a fun, engaging and interactive lesson! Are there any questions?
Don’t have an account yet. Go to Gynzy Don’t have an account yet? Go to Gynzy.com to create an account and start right away. Need help? www.gynzy.com/help