Claudia Ortiz Lopez, PharmD Candidate Cone Health Family Medicine News You Can Use… Claudia Ortiz Lopez, PharmD Candidate Kelsy Combs, PharmD Pete Koval, PharmD Cone Health Family Medicine February, 2017
FDA Approval Arymo ER (Morphine Sulfate) First FDA-approved product that uses Guardian™ Technology Uses a physical and chemical barrier for abuse deterrence without the use of an opioid antagonist Increased resistance to cutting, crushing, grinding or breaking compared to non- abuse-deterrent morphine sulfate ER tablets
New Epinephrine Injections Adrenaclick® Generic Available at CVS Cash price $110 for a two pack Auvi-Q® Available February 14, 2017 Voice guided, needle retraction $0 out-of-pocket for all commercially insured patients
FDA Approval Soliqua™ insulin glargine / lixisenatide Dose: Single fixed combo 100/33 Combination of a long acting insulin and a GLP-1 in a single, once daily injection
2017 ACP/AAFP Hypertension Update – New “Goals” Consider drug therapy in adults ≥60 years with a history of stroke or TIA to achieve BP <140 to reduce risk of recurrent stroke Consider drug therapy in adults ≥60 years at high CV risk* to achieve BP < 140 to reduce risk of stroke or cardiac events * High CV risk is: “based on individual assessment”
FDA Approval from TEVA AirDuoTM RespiClick® (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder) Same active ingredients as Advair® ArmonAirTM RespiClick® (fluticasone propionate inhalation powder) Same active ingredients as Flovent®
FDA Approval Trulance (plecanatide) Class: guanylate cyclase-C agonist For the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults Dose: 3 mg tablet once daily ADE: diarrhea
Brand-to-OTC Xyzal Allergy 24HR® levocetirizine dihydrochloride is now available OTC Forms available in Spring 2017: 5 mg tablets 0.5 mg/mL oral solution
PCSK9 Clinical Outcome Trial “Amgen announces Repatha® (Evolocumab) significantly reduced risk of CV events in FOURIER outcomes study” Results will be available March 17th, 2017