Gargantuan Growing Geography Topic Overview Year 1 Summer 1 2016 Literacy Our work will be based around a book called ‘Where the wild things are’ in which we will explore and interpret through creative activity, poetry, drama, writing, art and role-play. We will also be reading the book ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. RE We will be continuing to look at how Jewish people express their beliefs in practice. We will also introduce that the church is a special place where Christians worship. ICT We will be using switched on ICT simulating plant growth and working on coding. Maths We will be finding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less than any 2-digit number and explore patterns on the 100-square. We will begin understand place value in 2-digit numbers and identify 10s and 1s and use number facts to add and subtract 1-digit numbers to/from 2-digit numbers. Children will add pairs of 1-digit numbers with totals above 10 and add three small numbers, spotting pairs to 10 and doubles. They will be adding and subtracting 10 to and from 2-digit numbers. We will be learning addition and subtraction facts and compare weights and capacities using direct comparison, measuring weight and capacity using uniform non-standard units Children will create tables and block graphs, recording results and information. They will work more on recognising halves and quarters of shapes We will reinforcing ‘Money’ so children can recognise, name and know value of coins 1p–£2 and £5 and £10 notes, and solve repeated addition problems using coins. Geography We will be exploring the local area as well as finding the locations of different countries, forests and jungles on a map. Gargantuan Growing Topic Overview Year 1 Summer 1 2016 PSHE/P4C We will be considering how to protect our environment to preserve it for the future. Science Our topic this term will be Growing Plants. We will be identifying and investigating features of a plant and the conditions in which they need to grow. We are also looking at the different uses of plants. We will be looking at plants around the world and linking this to Geography – We will be growing our own plants using seeds. Art/DT We will be creating our own jungle collages from a range of materials. Music We will be learning how to make different sounds by using a variety of classroom instruments and we will name them too. We will linked this to rainforest music. PE Developing partner work, team work and gymnastics – rocking and rolling. We will also be doing athletics.