Our Year of WISDOM 2016-17
we chose Wisdom as our theme for the year Because: When our children leave us we want them to be compassionate, self confident and with a love of life and learning. And We want to ‘be the best we can be’.
WE then thought what would help us achieve our aim WE then thought what would help us achieve our aim. We Considered Our Christian Values AND DREW Inspiration FROM THE BIBLE .
“Wisdom is a tree of life to all who embrace her, Those who lay hold of her will be blessed.” – Proverbs 3.18
Being THE BEST WE CAN BE! This year we want to think, act, learn and speak wisely to be the best we can be.
Over the Year we will:
Think about the wisdom of our words and actions.
Praise each other for making sensible and wise choices. Understand the difference between ‘being clever’ and being wise.
Develop our Growth Mindsets to help us learn.
Consider the importance of thoughtfulness and wisdom.
. Explore different words of wisdom. Appreciate and respect the wisdom of others (Teachers, parents, family, others)
Recognise the value of spiritual wisdom
Reflect on what is of real value in life.
WE WILL ALSO LEARN ABOUT WHAT Christian's THINK ABOUT wisdom Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God. As a believer grows in faith so wisdom will increase. In the Bible wisdom is seen both as a gift from God and a characteristic of God. In his parables Jesus taught that placing trust in God and recognising what is of value in life brings fulfilment.
Where will we Start: Religious and Belief Roadshow – learning from others Favourite proverb or saying- who taught the proverb and why is it useful Building a our tree of life. Over the year we will add to our tree as we learn more about wisdom. Continue on our Packington Pathway to embed our Growth Mindset work A Growth Mindset Workshop for Parents
Review of Achievement Assembly What do children say they like? Time to be together Stickers/ certificates Children giving stickers out Coming out to the front – some say it doesn’t matter if it’s for a big or small thing they have done Nice to see what others have done Singing – a few children don’t Parents coming in Showing work, showing what they have learnt, being proud Role Play- acting/ doing a little lesson When we get a clap Being a moonbeam
Even Better If… Everybody gets a turn A rota for moonbeams and different people Standing to sing/ singing at the end More role play/ time to talk about our work All people come in quietly to make it special and listen It’s on time and finishes on time It doesn’t take time to get ready/ quick
We’re Going to TRY OUR Best AND HAVE A REVAMP Timetable – each class have an assembly once every half term. We’ll have some other special assemblies to gather as a whole school and invite parents in to see the work pupils have done Upgraded our rota and record system to make things more equal Still have Stars of the Week and Super Learner and Head Boy and Girl Worship stickers Introduce a Growth Mindset Award Only MRS P will have star workers - this might not happen every single week and she may have different numbers of children Limit certificates – we’ll give some out in our other worship times.
When it is a class turn Every child will participate in every assembly - to do one of these things: 1. Show a WAGOLL 2. Get a Growing and Glowing Sticker – this could be for work, social skills, PSHE, behaviour etc. It could be for something you’ve achieved, a challenge you’ve met, something that looks small to some people but is a HUGE STEP for you, or you’ve learnt from a mistake, or you had a real go even if you can’t do it YET! 3. Demonstrate things that have been happening in class (Remember you’ll only do one of these things in each assembly but over the year you will have a turn at all) Sometimes the teacher might arrange something extra to show something special
As it is something new we need a New Name For Achievement ASSEMBLY Growing and Glowing Time