IaN Kannady Nicholas Ciolino Stefan Sansone Group Two The Five Most Important Things In: First Impressions & Bosses Say “Pick Up the Phone!!” Advanced Business Communication – 4350.008 IaN Kannady Nicholas Ciolino Stefan Sansone
“First Impressions” Amy Cuddy’s valuable insight: 1. Trustworthiness over confidence 2.) “Wonder Woman” power pose 3.) Increase your testosterone levels and decrease cortisol levels
“First Impressions” When forming a first impression we ask ourselves three questions: 1.) “How warm and trustworthy is this person?” 2.) “What are this persons intentions toward me?” 3.) “How strong and competent is this person?” *Research shows that this accounts for 80% to 90% of an overall first impression and holds true across cultures.
“First Impressions” How we tend to categorize people: 1.) Two-by-two matrix method e.g. – you don’t actually have many groups that are both not trusted and not respected; or that are both loved and respected. 2.) Hated but respected
“First Impressions” 3.) If you beget trust, people are more likely to trust you 4.) How to convey trust in a first interaction: Let them speak first Make the other person feel understood Collect information about the other persons interest(s) “Chit-chat” before a negotiation and make “small talk”
Bosses say “Pick Up The Phone!!” Ms. Patty Baxter has a particular problem involving a decrease in sales: 1.) Sending email is just not good enough 2.) Her Millennial sales staff are emailing pitches rather than calling 3.) Problem exists in Millennial Generation staff 4.) Knowing technology does not automatically ensure success
Bosses say “Pick Up The Phone!!” Some Millennials have also went as far as: 1.) Stating phone calls as an ‘interruption’ to conversations 2.) Thinking of phones as more of a hindrance than a help 3.) Unplugging and putting their phone in a cabinet 4.) Have the mentality of using phone calls as a ‘last resort’
Bosses say “Pick Up The Phone!” Correlation between the 2 articles 1.) The importance of building personal rapport with your sales client 2.) First impressions can be difficult or even misconstrued through emails or texts 3.) Never underestimate the importance of small-talk with the other party
Important Tips & Insight Additional research 1.) Ask open-ended questions 2.) Use their name 3.) Learn communication modalities
Important Topics of Discussion The importance of “Power Posing” before a meeting How important first impressions are in projecting your level of Trustworthiness and Confidence Let them take the floor first to create trustworthiness Create a more dynamic and versatile working environment with Millennial and Generation-X employees
Quiz 1.) The Millennial Generation is confused about office phones that don’t have a ______ button. SEND 2.) Which of the two measured metrics that we mostly evaluate when meeting an individual for the first time is MOST important? TRUSTWORTHINESS over CONFIDENCE 3.) Communicating through __________ is sometimes just not good enough; phone calls should be used more often. EMAIL 4.) The importance of building personal ___________ is important in sales. RAPPORT 5.) List two ways that you can illicit trust in yourself from the other party? LET THEM SPEAK FIRST; MAKE OTHER PERSON FEEL UNDERSTOOD; COLLECT INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER PERSONS INTERESTS; CHIT-CHAT BEFORE A NEGOTIATION WITH SMALL TALK.