Storage 18-May-18
Stacks Stacks obey a simple regimen—last in, first out (LIFO) When you enter a function or procedure or method, storage is allocated for you on the stack When you leave, the storage is released In Java, this is even more fine-grained—storage is allocated and deallocated for individual blocks, and even for for statements Since this is so well-defined, your compiler writes the code to do it for you Since virtually every language supports recursion these days (and all the popular languages do), computers typically provide machine-language instructions to simplify stack operations
Heaps Stacks are great, but they have their limitations Suppose you want to write a method to read in an array You enter the method, and declare the array, thus dynamically allocating space for it You read values into the array You return from the method and POOF! your array is gone You need something more flexible—something where you have control over allocation and deallocation The invention that allows this (which came somewhat later than the stack) is the heap You explicitly get storage via malloc (C) or new (Java) The storage remains until you are done with it
Stacks vs. heaps Stack allocation and deallocation is very regular Heap allocation and deallocation is unpredictable Stack allocation and deallocation is handled by the compiler Heap allocation is at the whim of the programmer Heap deallocation may also be up to the programmer (C, C++) or by the programming language system (Java) Values on stacks are typically small and uniform in size In Java, arrays and objects don’t go in the stack—references to them do Values on the heap can be any size Stacks are tightly packed, with no wasted space Deallocation can leave gaps in the heap
user gets from here on down Implementing a heap A heap is a single large area of storage When the program requests a block of storage, it is given a pointer (reference) to some part of this storage that is not already in use The task of the heap routines is to keep track of which parts of the heap are available and which are in use To do this, the heap routines create a linked list of blocks of varying sizes Every block, whether available or in use, contains header information about the block We will describe a simple implementation in which each block header contains two items of information: A pointer to the next block, and The size of this block pointer to next size of block User data (an Object) user gets from here on down
user gets N words from here (ptr) to end of block Anatomy of a block Here is our simple block: pointer to next size of block User data (an Object) user gets N words from here (ptr) to end of block ptr-2 ptr-1 ptr ptr+1 ptr+2 : ptr+N-1 Java Objects hold more information than this (for example, the class of the object) Notice that our implementation will return a pointer to the first word available to the user Data with negative offsets are header data ptr-1 contains the size of this block, including header information ptr-2 will be used to construct a free space list of available blocks
The heap, I Initially, the user has no blocks, and the free space list consists of a single block In our implementation, we will allocate space from the end of the block To begin, let’s assume that the user asks for a block of two words next = 0 size = 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free
The heap, II The user has asked for a block of size 2 The “free” block is reduced in size from 20 to 16 (two words asked for by the user, plus two for a new header) The new block has size 4 and the next field is not used Next, assume the user asks for a block of three words next = 0 size = 16 size = 4 //////////// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free given to user
The heap, III The user has asked for a block of size 3 The “free” block is reduced in size from 16 to 11 (three words asked for by the user, plus two for a new header) The new block has size 5 and the next field is not used Next, assume the user asks for a block of just one word next = 0 size = 11 size = 5 //////////// size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free given to user
The heap, IV The user has asked for a block of size 1 The “free” block is reduced in size from 11 to 8 (one word for the user, plus two for a new header) The new block has size 3 and the next field is not used Next, the user releases the second block (at 13) next = 0 size = 8 size = 3 //////////// size = 5 size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free given to user
The heap, V The user has released the block of size 5 The freed block is added to the front of the free space list: Its next field is set to the old value of free free is set to point to this block Next, the user requests a block of size 4 The first block on the free list isn’t large enough, so we have to go to the next free block next = 0 size = 8 size = 3 //////////// next = 2 size = 5 size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free
The heap, VI The user requests a block of size 3 The size of the first free block is now 3, and its next field does not change The user gets a pointer to the new block Now the user releases the smallest block (at 10) Again, this will be added to the beginning of the free space list next = 0 size = 2 size = 6 //////////// size = 3 next = 2 size = 5 size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 given to user free
The heap, VII //////////// The user releases the smallest block (at 10) The freed block is added to the front of the free space list: Its next field is set to the old value of free free is set to point to this block Now the user requests a block of size 4 Currently, we cannot satisfy this request We have enough space, but no single block is large enough (free space is fragmented) However, free blocks 10 and 13 are adjacent to each other We can coalesce blocks 10 and 13 Coalescing blocks is somewhat expensive, because adjacent blocks are not necessarily adjacent nodes in the free space list next = 0 size = 2 size = 6 //////////// next = 13 size = 3 next = 2 size = 5 size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free
The heap, VIII Blocks at 10 and 13 have now been coalesced The size of the new block is the sum of the sizes of the old blocks We had to adjust the links Now we can give the user a block of size 4 next = 0 size = 2 size = 6 //////////// next = 2 size = 8 size = 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 free
Declaring variables in Java In Java, all variables occupy space on the stack All Objects occupy space on the heap In Java, you create an object (on the heap) with new Example of defining a variable whose value is a primitive: int count = 0; count is the name of a location on the stack The name is used by the compiler; it doesn't "really" exist (occupy storage) at run time The named location occupies memory on the stack; it contains a zero Example of defining a variable whose value is an object: Person p = new Person(); p is a variable; it is the name of a location on the stack That location occupies memory on the stack; it contains a reference to the object The Person object is on the heap Thus, Person p = new Person(); allocates space on both the stack and the heap
Pointers In C and C++ you get a pointer to the new storage; in Java you get a reference The implementation is identical; the difference is that there are more operations on pointers than on references C and C++ provide operations on pointers C and C++ let you do arithmetic on pointers, for example, p++; Pointers are pervasive in C and C++; you can't avoid them
Advantages/disadvantages Pointers give you: Greater flexibility and (maybe) convenience A much more complicated syntax More ways to create hard-to-find errors Serious security holes References give you: Less flexibility (no pointer arithmetic) Simpler syntax, more like that of other variables Much safer programs with fewer mysterious bugs More opportunities for the compiler to optimize the compiled code Pointer arithmetic is inherently unsafe You can accidentally point to the wrong thing You cannot be sure of the type of the thing you are pointing to
Deallocation There are two potential errors when de-allocating (freeing) storage yourself: De-allocating too soon, so that you have dangling references (pointers to storage that has been freed and possibly reused) A dangling reference is not a null link—it points to something (you just don’t know what) Forgetting to de-allocate, so that unused storage accumulates and you have a memory leak If you have to de-allocate storage yourself, a good strategy is to keep track of which function or method “owns” the storage The function that owns the storage is responsible for de-allocating it Ownership can be transferred to another function or method You just need a clearly defined policy for determining ownership In practice, this is easier said than done
Discipline Most C/C++ advocates say: However: It's just a matter of being disciplined I'm disciplined, even if other people aren't Besides, there are good tools for finding memory problems However: Virtually all large C/C++ programs have memory problems
Garbage collection Garbage is storage that has been allocated but is not longer available to the program It's easy to create garbage: Allocate some storage and save the pointer to it in a variable Assign a different value to that variable A garbage collector automatically finds and de-allocates garbage This is far safer (and more convenient) than having the programmer do it Dangling references cannot happen Memory leaks, while not impossible, are pretty unlikely Practically every modern language, not including C++, uses a garbage collector
Garbage collection algorithms There are two well-known algorithms (and several not so well known ones) for doing garbage collection: Reference counting Mark and sweep
Reference counting When a block of storage is allocated, it includes header data that contains an integer reference count The reference count keeps track of how many references the program has to that block Any assignment to a reference variable modifies reference counts If the variable previously referenced an object (was not null), the reference count of that object is decremented If the new value is an object (not null), the reference count for the new object is incremented When a reference count reaches zero, the storage can immediately be garbage collected For this to work, the reference count has to be at a known displacement from the reference (pointer) If arbitrary pointer arithmetic is allowed, this condition cannot be guaranteed
Problems with reference counting If object A points to object B, and object B points to object A, then each is referenced, even if nothing else in the program references either one This fools the garbage collector, which doesn't collect either object A or object B Thus, reference counting is imperfect and unreliable; memory leaks still happen However, reference counting is a simple technique and is occasionally used
Mark and sweep When memory runs low, languages that use mark-and-sweep temporarily pause the program and run the garbage collector The collector marks every block It then does an exhaustive search, starting from every reference variable in the program, and unmarks all the storage it can reach When done, every block that is still marked must not be accessible from the program; it is garbage that can be freed In order for this technique to work, It must be possible to find every block (so they are in a linked list) It must be possible to find and follow every reference The mark has to be at a known displacement from the reference Again, this is not compatible with arbitrary pointer arithmetic
Problems with mark and sweep Mark-and-sweep is a complex algorithm that takes substantial time Unlike reference counting, it must be done all at once—nothing else can be going on The program stops responding during garbage collection This is unsuitable for many real-time applications
Garbage collection in Java Java uses mark-and-sweep Mark-and-sweep is highly reliable, but may cause unexpected slowdowns You can ask Java to do garbage collection at a time you feel is more appropriate The call is System.gc(); But not all implementations respect your request This problem is known and is being worked on There is also a “Real-time Specification for Java”
No garbage collection in C or C++ C and C++ do not have garbage collection—it is up to the programmer to explicitly free storage when it is no longer needed by the program C and C++ have pointer arithmetic, which means that pointers might point anywhere There is no way to do reference counting if the programming language does not have strict control over pointers There is no way to do mark-and-sweep if the programming language does not have strict control over pointers Pointer arithmetic and garbage collection are incompatible--it is essentially impossible to have both
The End