PowerPoint Activity 4: Cyber Safety Objective: To create a PowerPoint presentation using shapes and AutoShapes, formatting background, inserting hyperlinks, using transitions, using text effects, using line tools, and setting up slide shows. PowerPoint Activity 4: Cyber Safety New PowerPoint Skills: Use AutoShapes/Shapes. Apply pattern fill background. Hyperlink text to a Web page. Add slide transition. Format text using a text effect. Use the line tool. Set up a slide show to loop continuously.
Tips to gain all points: Use no more than two fonts throughout the presentation. Font choice should coordinate with the message you are delivering. Keep all headlines the same font point size on each slide. For the body text on each slide, use a point size that can be easily read (should be at least 30 points or more).
Repeated Skill 1 from Activities 1, 2, and 3 If needed, refer to Activity 1, Skill 1 to change layout format. Leave the first slide as a TITLE slide. Insert Blank slides for remainder of presentation. (Refer to Activity 2, Skill 2) Insert text boxes for title and body of presentation for all remaining slides. Some slides may have 2 or 3 text boxes. (Refer to Activity 2, Skill 3) ***LEAVE A SMALL BORDER AROUND YOUR TEXT BOXES.***
Repeated Skill 2 from Activities 1, 2, and 3 Click the Insert tab. Move to the eighth group from the left, Text group. Click the Text Box icon. Click the top left corner of your slide to insert a new text box. Return to the Home tab. Format your text box to fill out the top section of your slide. Use your Activity 2, Skill 2 notes if needed. ***LEAVE A SMALL BORDER AROUND YOUR TEXT BOXES.***
Skill 1: Use AutoShapes/Shapes. Go to the Insert tab. In the fourth group from the left, Illustrations, there is a Shapes icon with a downward pointing arrow. Click the downward pointing arrow and select the shape you want to insert based on your activity directions. Once you have inserted the shape, click on the shape to format it. The formatting is to ensure its visibility in your slideshow.
Skill 2: Apply pattern fill background. Go to the Design tab. In the third group from the left, Customize, there is a Format Background icon. Make sure you do not have any text boxes selected or the fill pattern will apply only to that box. Click the icon. Under FILL, click the bubble next to Pattern fill. Select the pattern you want to use, and you may select different colors for your foreground and background. Just make sure the text is legible and it does not hurt your eyes reading it or my eyes grading it. Make sure you are only applying the pattern fill to the specific slide required in your activity.
Skill 3: Add slide transition. Go to the Transitions tab. In the second group from the left, Transition to This Slide, select a transition for your slide. You may select the dropdown arrow all the way to the right of the group for more transition options. Make sure you are only applying the transition to the specific slide required in your activity.
Skill 4: Hyperlink text to a Web page. Go to the Insert tab. In the sixth group from the left, Links, there is a Hyperlink icon. Click the icon. A dialog box will pop up to Insert Hyperlink. Your cursor will be flashing at the bottom in the Address bar. Copy the web address in the R drive I have provided to you for the activity by right clicking the link and selecting copy. Paste the web address into the Address bar. In the Text to display bar at the top, type the title given to you in your activity directions. Press OK. You will have to format the text box size to fit on the slide properly. Also, the hyperlink only works in slideshow mode. Click here to go to Madisonville Jr. High's website.
Skill 5: Format text using a text effect. Go to the Design tab. In the third group from the left, Customize, there is a Format Background icon. Make sure you do not have any text boxes selected or the fill pattern will apply only to that box. Click the icon. The second option next to Fill, is an octagon shaped icon, which is the Effects icon. Click the Effects icon. Next to Artistic Effects is a small box with a downward pointing arrow. Click the arrow for text effect options. Select the text effect you want to use. Just make sure the text is legible and it does not hurt your eyes reading it or my eyes grading it. Make sure you are only applying the text effect to the specific slide required in your activity.
Skill 6: Use the line tool. Go to the Insert tab. In the fourth group from the left, Illustrations, there is a Shapes icon with a downward pointing arrow. Click the downward pointing arrow, look for Line, and select the line option. Once you have selected the line option, click on your slide to place the line in the middle of your slide under your title text box. Drag the line down to the bottom of the slide and release. You are going to separate your text box 2 and text box 3 with your line. You will have to adjust the formatting of your text boxes.
Skill 7: Set up a slide show to loop continuously. Go to the Slide Show tab. In the second group from the left, Set Up, there is a Set Up Slide Show icon. Click the icon. A dialog box titled, Set Up Show, will appear. The second set of options from the top is to Show Options. The first option under Show Options is to Loop continuously until ‘Esc’. Click in the bubble to the left of this option. This will allow your slide show to play over and over until you press the escape key.
Repeated Skill 6: Run a slideshow. Refer to Activity 1, Skill 4 or Activity 2, Skill 8 for directions. ALWAYS run a slide show to check for mistakes in grammar, spelling, text box shapes and sizes, etc.