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Presentation transcript:

Access additional e-learning resources and support via the Bb Support Tab in shuspace. You can also contact the faculty's e-learning Development Team for support. Visit or scan the QR code. Grade Centre Guide 2014/15

Contents Assessments submitted online page Creating a Blackboard assignment for online submission 3 Access work, add grades and feedback (online submission) 4 Adding grades and feedback (student failed to submit online) 5 Downloading assignment submissions 6 Adding grades only (online submission) Giving a student another chance to submit Assessments not submitted online Creating a grade column 7 Adding both grades and feedback (no online submission) 8 Adding grades only (no online submission) Of general relevance Controlling visibility of grades and feedback to students 9 Downloading grades to Excel Editing a Weighted Total 10 How do students see grades and feedback? Statistics in Grade Centre Re-ordering columns 11 Setting up smart views Deleting a Total column 12 Why can't I type in a grade?

Creating a Blackboard assignment for online submission Blackboard Assignments allow students to submit work electronically via a Blackboard site. Tutors can then view submissions and provide students with grades and feedback. Adding an Assignment to a site automatically creates an associated column in Grade Centre. STEP 1 Go to the section of the site where you want the Assignment to appear (typically Assessment). Click Create Assessment, then Assignment. The Create Assignment screen loads. Assessments submitted online STEP 2 In ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION, enter an appropriate name for the assignment. Any instructions for students completing the assignment can be provided via the Instructions box. STEP 3 In ASSIGNMENT FILES, attach any files for students associated with the task using the Browse My Computer button. STEP 4 In DUE DATES, input the deadline date and time using the calendar and clock icons. This information will be visible to students via the assignment submission point. STEP 5 In GRADING, specify the points possible for the task (typically 100). Add a Feedback Rubric if you are using one. If you are unsure about feedback rubrics, contact the e-learning Development Team for further information 3

Access work, add grades and feedback (online submission) STEP 6 Click the Submission Details heading to expand the section. Specify the assignment type (i.e. individual, group). Then set the number of times students will be able to submit their work using Number of Attempts. Generally this will be set to 'Single Attempt'. Access work, add grades and feedback (online submission) NOTE: Before commencing the process of uploading grades and feedback, always ensure grades and feedback for the task will not be visible to students. For details, see section 'Showing/hiding grades and feedback to students' in this resource. STEP 1 Access the site's Grade Centre (Control Panel > Grade Centre. Full Grade Centre. Navigate to the relevant grade column, then to the cell associated with the student you wish to grade. An exclamation mark icon in the cell indicates a submission. Hover over the cell and click the chevron that appears. Select View Grade Details. STEP 7 Click Display of Grades Options (Show/Hide Column to students) to expand the section. Use the drop-down menu to choose the format in which to display grades to students. Ignore the drop-down marked 'Secondary'. TIP: Leave the tick next to Include in Grade Centre grading calculations and next to Show to students in My Grades. Most people opt not to Show Statistics (average and median) for this item to Students in My Grades by leaving the option un-ticked. STEP 2 The Grade Details page displays key information associated with the student's submission. Click the View/Grade Attempt button. The Grade Assignment screen loads. NOTE: The Grade Assignment screen provides an on-screen view of the student's submission on the left of the screen along with a range of tools which enable you to annotate the work itself. The panel on the right provides grade, feedback and comment functionality. Feedback to the student can incorporate any or all of these aspects - see below for info. There is also a section for moderator notes (not visible to students) and a file download button to access the student's original file. STEP 8 In AVAILABILITY, limit the availability of the assignment. We generally recommend that this is set to coincide with Due Date unless you are aware of students who will have extensions. This setting can be edited later. Finally, click Submit. TIP: For more information on handling late submissions, contact the ELDT (see front page for contact details). STEP 3 - To annotate work Clicking the Comment above the student's work makes a range of annotation features available. Comment adds an annotation in the margin that is associated with a portion of text, diagram or area within the submitted assignment Draw allows you to draw on the work using the cursor Highlight lets you select text and highlight it in one of 4 colours Text will let you type supplementary text on top of the work Strikeout draws a line through selected text 4

Adding grades and feedback (student failed to submit) Examples of annotation (comments, text, drawing, highlight etc.) Occasionally a student fails to upload their assignment for legitimate reasons but grades/feedback need to be provided. STEP 5 - Adding a grade, feedback file and comments To add a grade, click and enter a value into the Attempt box (circled below). STEP 1 Locate the cell for the student in the relevant column in Grade Centre. It will contain two dashed lines (no submission) as opposed to a yellow exclamation icon indicating a submission. STEP 2 Hover your cursor over the relevant cell and click the chevron that appears (see right). Select View Grade Details. The screen that loads (see below) looks slightly different to the other submissions; there isn't an option to View Attempt as no submission has been made. STEP 6 - Adding a feedback file, comments, private grading notes Expand the FEEDBACK TO USER section by clicking the small chevron (see red arrow, image above). Comments for students can be typed into the white box. It is also possible to click the paperclip icon below the FEEDBACK TO USER box to attach a feedback file. Clicking Add Notes below this box reveals the GRADING NOTES - PRIVATE section. This offers the same functionality as FEEDBACK TO USER, but its content cannot be seen by students. It is available to staff to support the assessment process in terms of e.g. second marking, moderation etc. Click Submit to save your changes STEP 3 Click on Manually Override as circled above. This will then display an override grade box (enter the grade here) and a Feedback to User box where you can attach the feedback file with the paperclip icon (right). There is also a Grading Notes box to support second marking/moderation. This is private to staff. Click Submit when the grades and feedback have been provided. TIP: Clicking Submit returns you to the Grade Details screen. To jump to the next student's Grade Details screen without exiting and re-loading Grade Centre, click the chevron button in the upper left portion of the screen. 5

Downloading assignment submissions TIP: If you make a mistake you can type ' - ' (dash). The grade will be nulled. STEP 1 From the Control Panel, click Grade Centre and then Full Grade Centre. STEP 2 Locate the column for which you wish to download submissions. Click the chevron in the column's heading and select Assignment File Download. Giving a student another chance to submit STEP On the next page a list of all students appears. Use the check boxes to individually to select specific students or click the uppermost check box to select all students. Click Submit, then click the Download assignments now link. TIP: Staff are encouraged to seek guidance on local practice from Program Leaders/Heads of Academic Development with regards to circumstances under which it is permissible to provide an additional submission opportunity. The following instructions only apply prior to the assignment deadline being reached. For post-deadline issues, please contact the ELDT. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel click Grade Centre then Full Grade Centre. Locate the cell for the student in question in the relevant column/row. STEP 2 Hover the cursor over the cell, click the chevron button that appears and select View Grade Details. STEP 3 On the Grade Details page click the Ignore Attempt button. Grade Centre will provide the student with an additional submission opportunity whilst keeping a record of the original, 'ignored' submission. TIP: Individual assignments can also be downloaded from the Grade Assignment screen Adding grades only (online submission) In most situations where work is submitted electronically, grades will be accompanied by some form of feedback. However, where only a grade is being provided, please see the steps below. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel click Grade Centre then Full Grade Centre. STEP 2 Locate the column you wish to enter grades in. Click on the cell relating to the first student in the list for whom you wish to enter grades. STEP 3 Enter a grade into the box by overtyping the " -- ". Press the Return key to save the grade and move to the next student. 6

Creating a grade column Adding grades only Creating a grade column A standard grade column allows you to enter grades/feedback where no electronic submission takes place via the site, such as for hard copy hand-ins or exams. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre, then Full Grade Centre. When Grade Centre loads click Create Standard Column. Assessments not submitted online STEP 2 Enter the assessment name into Column Name. Ignore Grade Centre Name and Description. Select the grade type from Primary Display. Ignore Secondary Display and Category. Enter Points Possible (usually 100) and a Feedback Rubric if you are using this facility. STEP 3 Add a Due Date if you wish the deadline for the task to display to students via their My Grades. Click Submit to finish and return to Grade Centre. 7

Adding both grades and feedback (no online submission) STEP 2 Locate the column you wish to enter grades in. Click on the cell relating to the first student in the list, on that column. STEP 3 The box will change and you will be able to enter a grade into the box replacing the " - ". Press Return to move to the next student STEP 4 Repeat until all the grades are entered. If your column is used to calculate a weighted total, this will update at the same time. You can find out more about weighted totals on page 12. STEP 1 Access Grade Centre via the site's Control Panel > Site Tools > Full Grade Centre. Navigate across to the relevant column. STEP 2 Within the column, hover over the cell relating to the student you want to provide grades/feedback to. Click the chevron that appears Select View Grade Details. The screen below appears TIP: If you make a mistake you can type ' - ' (dash) & the grade will be nulled. STEP 3 Input a grade into the Current grade value area and attach the feedback file using the paperclip (see below) or type feedback into the Feedback to User box. TIP: There is also a Grading Notes box on this page to support second marking/moderation. This is private to staff. Adding grades only (no online submission) To enter grades only into grade centre (as opposed to both grades and feedback), follow these steps: STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre then Full Grade Centre (or a smart view favourite if you are using those within this site - see the Setting up Smart Views section in this document for more information ). 8

Of general relevance Downloading grades to Excel Controlling visibility of grades/feedback to students It is important to control students' access to grades/feedback associated with an assignment, especially during the making process. In Grade Centre, click the chevron in the relevant column heading and select Show/Hide column to students (see right). When column content is hidden, the 'strikeout' icon (below left) appears in the column heading. Of general relevance Downloading grades to Excel Grades can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet for archive purposes or to provide to Administrative colleagues for a Subject Assessment Board. TIP: The Faculty Policy Statement on the importance of returning whole grades (with no decimal places) can be viewed by clicking HERE. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre and then Full Grade Centre. When Grade Centre has loaded click Upload/Download Grades, then Download. STEP 2 Click Full Grade Centre to produce an Excel spreadsheet containing all data in your Grade Centre. Other download options are also available e.g. Selected Column, User Information Only etc. Select the desired download and click Submit. Click the link to download and save the spreadsheet that appears. 9

Editing a Weighted Total How do students see grades and feedback? A Weighted Total column performs a calculation based on grades from other columns you specify. It could be used for example to create an overall module mark based on an exam column weighted at 50% and a coursework column weighted at 50%. Your Grade Centre should include a Weighted Total column by default. This will guide you through editing it; to add a new one, hover over Create Weighted Column and select Weighted Column. Students primarily access grades and feedback via the My Grades section on a Blackboard site. Information displayed in My Grades is site- and user-specific. Students are also notified of grades/feedback via Blackboard notifications elsewhere in shuspace. TIP: Visibility of grades/feedback to students cannot be controlled by turning My Grades on/off. See section Controlling visibility of grades and feedback to students in this document. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel click Grade Centre then Full Grade Centre. Once Grade Centre has loaded, click the chevron in the Weighted Total's column heading and then select Edit Column Information. TIP: Consider re-naming 'Weighted Total' to something more meaningful to students, such as 'Overall Module Mark'. STEP 2 Scroll down to the Select Columns section. Click to highlight the relevant columns in the Columns to select box on the left of the screen (see below). Use the ' > ' button to move those columns into the Selected Columns area. You can then apply a percentage weighting to the assessment tasks in the boxes adjacent, as indicated below. Ignore Categories. Statistics in Grade Centre STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre and then Full Grade Centre. When Grade Centre has loaded, click a chevron in the column heading and select Column statistics. STEP 2 A page displaying statistics for the column loads. It is possible to navigate to corresponding pages for other columns by clicking the < and > icons. These statistics can be copied and pasted from this page into, for example, Word. STEP 3 Once you've successfully added all your weightings ensure Calculate as Running Total is set to 'No'. Click Submit. 10

Re-ordering columns Setting up smart views STEP 1 STEP 3 STEP 4 11 By default new columns are added to the right-hand side of Grade Centre. However it is possible to re-order columns in Grade Centre so they display in a different order, for example chronologically by task. STEP 1 From the Control Panel, click Grade Centre then Full Grade Centre. Once Grade Centre has loaded, hover over Manage (see below) and select Column Organisation. Smart views allow you to customise how the Grade Centre is displayed by filtering the information in Grade Centre. For example, a smart view might be used on a site with a large cohort to show only the students in a particular tutor's seminar group in Grade Centre. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre and then Full Grade Centre. Once Grade Centre has loaded click Manage then Smart Views. STEP 2 Click Create Smart View. Input the relevant information. The 'Name' box will be the display name for the smart view. Add as favourite will place the smart view link inside the grade centre control panel menu (see below). STEP 2 The page that loads displays the Grade Centre's columns listed in rows. The first set of columns "shown in all grade centre views" are standard columns such as name and student ID etc. We recommend you do not reorder these columns. Below these are columns displayed as being 'not in a grading period.' TIP: A 'favourite' smart view will show up in the control panel, and load grade centre only with the students in the smart view. STEP 3 To change a column's position in the Grade Centre order, left-click and hold its compass point icon. Drag it up or down and release to place the column in the list. Click Submit to save changes. This will change the order of columns for the staff view in Grade Centre and also for students via My Grades (see section entitled How do students see grades and feedback?). STEP 3 Decide on the selection criteria you want to use for the smart view. The criteria are broken down into 5 categories: Course Group - This will display a group of students (e.g. a tutor group) Performance will show specific students based on their performance (e.g. to display students who got 70+ or 39- on a particular assessment task) 'User' will display specific users not tied to a group 'Category and Status' - This isn't used at SHU. 'Custom' allows you to combine any of the above with AND or OR commands (e.g. show students who have achieved 70+ on two different assignments STEP 4 Decide whether to filter the results to all columns or just a selected column using the on-screen options. Finally click Submit. 11

Deleting a Total column You may find that your Grade Centre includes a column called 'Total'. We strongly recommend it is deleted. If you want to display a calculated column to students, see the section entitled 'Editing a Weighted Total'. STEP 1 From the site's Control Panel, click Grade Centre and then Full Grade Centre. Navigate to the Total column and click the chevron in the column's heading. STEP 2 From the options available, select Delete Column (see right). TIP: If the option to delete the column does not appear, click the chevron button in another column's heading and select the Set as External Grade option. This does not affect the column in any way; SHU does not use Blackboard's external grade feature. Why can't I type in a grade? Some columns in Grade Centre are 'calculated columns'; they display grade data based on calculations performed on grade data in other columns. See for example the section 'Editing a Weighted Total' in this guide. Such columns do not accept grades input manually. As such you may need to create an assignment or set up a grade column in order to input marks. Please see the relevant guidance elsewhere in this resource. 12 11