OBJECTIVES At the end of 45 minutes the students will be able to: Identify the five sway balance series Perform the proper execution of arm and footsteps of sway balance series Value the importance of sway balance series in Philippine folk dance
SUBJECT MATTER Topic- Five Sway Balance Series References- Physical Education (Learners module) page164-168 Instructional Materials-Visual Aids Skills- Identifying, performing, and valuing Values-Participation and Cooperation
REVIEW Basic footstep: Step Stamp Hop Jump Brush Point Slide Swing Cut
motivation -Combine and perform the basic footsteps according to the steps you choose -they will divided into two groups and they will be given 3 minutes only to practice the steps
LESSON PROPER The five sway balance series: Sway balance with a point-step right foot, cross step left, step right foot and point the left foot obliquely Sway balance with a brush-step right foot, cross step left, step right foot and brush the left foot Sway balance with a close-step right foot, cross step left, step right foot and close the left foot Sway balance with a hop-step right foot, cross step left, step right foot raise left foot and hop Sway balance with a raise-step right foot, cross step left, step right foot and raise the left foot
GROUP ACTIVITY The students will be group into five groups. They will be group according to the color of their nametag: Group1 will perform sway balance with a point Group2 will perform sway balance with a brush Group3 will perform sway balance with a close Group4 will perform sway balance with a hop Group5 will perform sway balance with a raise
evaluation In a ¼ sheet of paper identify what types of sway balance series in a given picture: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Assignment: -Bring extra t-shirt and wear your P.E attire.