Bell Work: “Do Now” Parents/Guardians – Please fill out a “Happy Gram” for your student that encourages them to have a successful and productive year. Be sure to write your student’s name on the front of the card as well as the class period. Period 2-3 Period 3-4 Period 5-6 Period 6-7
Welcome to Mrs. Smithson’s Language Arts class ELA7
7th grade… …a shift from early grades’ focus of learning to read and learning to write, to the next step of application of what they read and integrating it into their writing.
Class Objectives Discuss, define, and explore unfamiliar vocabulary words [explore tier 2 (precise language)/tier3 (subject specific)]. Identify and analyze literary elements in a variety of text. Paraphrase and summarize information from text. Use evidence in text to support claims in writing. Ask relevant and focused questions to clarify understanding (Essential Questions, Bloom’s, Costa’s).
Reading C.A.R.S. = Comprehensive Assessment Reading Strategies Anchor novels each quarter Stargirl Touching Spirit Bear The Outsiders The Giver
Writing Writing across seventh grade classes Constructed Responses Understanding the Writing Prompt (incl. district & state assessments) More Writing = Better Writing
Vocabulary Vocabulary list given on Monday Vocabulary test on Friday Weekly vocabulary aligns with the texts and literary terms
Use of Class Materials Stapley Planner filled in with daily KNOW & HW = direct daily communication Look for my signature (A.S.) in the “DONE” box [HW] 3-Subject Interactive Notebook (I.N.B.) – class resource pages, notes, student work Homework – daily practice of lessons Typically 20 minutes
Expectations: Students are expected to participate in class activities: reading, writing, listening, speaking, and class discussions. Students are expected to complete assignments independently and on time. Students will be expected to willingly work in groups or partnerships. Be Prompt, Prepared, Polite, Productive, & Patient
Online Expectations: Daily – Read the Canvas Module Page for the week Weekly – Check grade portal (Parent & Student)
Grading Categories & Policy Vocabulary = Notes, Exercises, Tests Reading Assessments = C.A.R.S. D.O.L.’s (Daily Oral Language) = Warm-Ups & Focus Worksheets Writing & Sentences = Essays, Quick-Writes, Sentence Diagramming Product Assessments = Quizzes/Tests, Projects Daily Assignments = Study Guides, HW Quarterly Exam/Portfolio = Summative Assessments, Interactive Class Notebook **Late assignments will be assessed at 50% of the original total points possible. Once a unit has been completed, no late work will be accepted unless due to sickenss
Morning Passes for Class Extention Before school from 8:00-8:55 a.m. with scheduled meet-up Tuesdays & Thursdays
Questions? Please, email me for quick response. Mrs. Smithson 480-472-2705