Basic First Aid
The following tips for basic first aid are to inspire you to 1 The following tips for basic first aid are to inspire you to 1.) make wise choices and 2.) to sign up for a quality first aid course. This lesson is by no means comprehensive and does not address all possible situations. Warning:
CPR Running Time: 5:06
Choking Running Time 2:40
Infant Choking Running Time 2:40
Bee/Wasp Sting Remove the stinger as quickly as possible by scraping it out with your fingernail or credit card. Apply ice for 20 minutes. If there is trouble breathing, fainting, or extreme swelling, call 911.
Minor Burns Run cool water on the minor burn until the pain stops. Do not use butter, grease, or medication. For major burns call 911.
Minor Cuts Run cool water on the minor cut until clean. Use direct pressure with a clean cloth to stop bleeding. Apply antibiotic ointment. Cover with bandage. For deep cuts, call your doctor or 911. Apply pressure with a clean cloth until help arrives.
On Your Own Use the remainder of the period to begin your own research of basic first aid.