Citizenship, Business, & the Government Notes
Citizenship 1. What is a citizen? a person who has all the rights and responsibilities of belonging to a nation. All people who are born in the U.S.A are automatically U.S citizens.
2. What are the responsibilities of a citizen. A. obeying laws B 2. What are the responsibilities of a citizen? A. obeying laws B. serving on a jury when called C. paying taxes D. registering for selective service @ 18 years old
3. What is the Constitution. A “living document” that governs the U. S 3. What is the Constitution? A “living document” that governs the U.S.A. It can be amended or changed. It is the law of the land. The first ten amendments is called the Bill of Rights. 4. Describe the 3 branches of the government. A. Executive - carries out the law B. Judicial - interprets the law C. Legislative - makes the law 5. What is the type of government used in the U.S.A? the country is run by democracy a government in which the people get to choose who runs the country
Due Process of Law 6. Describe the term due process of law. it is the American legal system requiring that everyone be treated fairly; laws must be reasonable, consistent, and fair for all citizens. A. accused person has to be told of charges against them. B. accused person has the right to a fair trail.
D. accused person has the right to speak and defend himself. C. accused person has the right to a fair jury. D. accused person has the right to speak and defend himself. E. laws must be clearly written so people can understand them.
Amendments to the Constitution 7. Explain the freedoms granted and rights protected by the Bill of Rights. A. Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly and the right to the petition the government. B. Amendment 2: Right to bear arms.
searches or seizures. D. Amendment 4: No unreasonable C. Amendment 3: Troops may not be quartered in homes in peacetime. D. Amendment 4: No unreasonable searches or seizures.
E. Amendment 5: People accused of a crime have E. Amendment 5: People accused of a crime have the right to a fair trail (due process). - Citizens cannot be tried more than once for same crime (double jeopardy). - Accused people do not have to speak against themselves at a trial (taking the fifth). - Government can’t take property without paying for it. The power of the government to take property is called eminent domain.
of a crime have the right to a trial by jury. F. Amendment 6: People accused of a crime have the right to a trial by jury. G. Amendment 7: People who have disagreement about something worth more than $20 have the right to a trial by a jury. H. Amendment 8: Protects people from excessive bail.
I. Amendment 9: People have other rights besides those stated in the Constitution. J. Amendment 10: Any power not given to the federal government is given to either the states or the people.
Amendment Process 8. Explain the Amendment process outlined in the Constitution. Amendments are proposed by 2/3 of the House of Representatives and the Senate. 3/4 of the states must accept (ratify) it. Then it becomes part of the Constitution. (Article V(5) 9. Describe the purpose for the amendment process. The purpose it to make sure that most people approve of the changes and that small groups cant just come and pass amendments.
Voting Rights that Protect by Amendments 10. Which Amendments protect voting rights? A. Amendment 15: allowed blacks, 21 and older, to vote. B. Amendment 19: allowed women, 21 and older, the right to vote.
C. Amendment 23: allows residents of the District of Columbia to vote for delegates to the Electoral College. Electoral College - a group of people from each state that meets shortly after a presidential election and votes on who will be president. Each elector has two votes, one vote goes to the President and the other goes to the Vice President.
D. Amendment 24: forbid the collection of poll taxes before a person could vote E. Amendment 26: lowered the voting age to 18
Four Major Sectors in U.S Economy 11. Describe the four major sectors in the U.S economy. A. Household Function – is society or the world; It is the wants that society has on certain goods or items of home B. Private Business – provide goods and services that are being demanded in order that they can benefit from the items sold.
spend money, it helps the economy. C. Bank Function – is used to provide checking accounts, savings accounts, and loans to society in order to help the economy; when people spend money, it helps the economy. - savings account – account that earns interest but is not withdrawn by check writing - loans – money burrowed that is usually repaid with additional interest charges
D. Government Function - uses taxes to help the economy and provide certain goods or services at a price. - tax – money that people pay to the government
Consumers & Producers 12. Explain the term competition. companies fighting for customers is competition; it lowers prices between companies 13. Explain the term market. where buyers and sellers exchange goods 14. How does price influence consumer behavior? decision of the customer on weather they want to pay a particular price or not; plays a big part
15. How and where does a person earn an income 15. How and where does a person earn an income? a limited amount of money that someone earns for their work on their job. 16. What is a entrepreneur? a person who takes a risk to start a business A. employees- the person who is hired to complete the work B. employers – the person who needs to hire someone; benefits competition
17. Explain how do entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business? A. Loans taken out to start business and have to be paid back every month PLUS interest. B. Needs a good market- Ex: can’t sell snow mobiles or shrimp boats in Ellenwood! C. Overhead bills aren’t too much- Ex: rent, electricity, payroll for employees, merchandise etc.. D. Good location for business. E. Being their own boss- are they disciplined enough for job, dedicated enough, structured enough?
Supply & Demand 18. Explain the difference between supply and demand. supply is the total amount of a product that producers are willing to make and sell at a certain price; demand is the amount of a product that consumer are willing and able to buy at a certain price.
Banks & Personal Budgets 19. How and where does a person earn an income? a limited amount of money that someone earns for their work on their job. 20. Explain the purpose of a budget. a plan for how much money will be spent on each type of item that a person must buy
21. List three reasons to save money (personal budget). a. emergencies b. to buy something c. to be able to stop working
22. Explain the purpose of a checking account. is a service in which you put money in the bank so that it can be taken out slowly over time. 23. How does interest effect money? the bank usually uses your money while it is the bank, so the bank pays you for using your money when you are not
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