Paper: Acoustic Injectors for Drop-On-Demand Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Presenter: Chris Ward
Talk Outline Paper and System Overview Look at Subsystems Discussion FEL Detector Nanofluidic Actuators Discussion
System Diagram Bent transmissive Si crystal for spectrographic measurements Crystal size: 10s of microns Spot size: 30um Shows the evolution of a design, from prototype to completed product. Fast prototyping to prove out new ideas (battery controller for NiMH shown) Creating a platform from what was learned from the prototypes Then a full featured product for use in commercial market (France) …interesting that the system is now being stripped down to its core function. Cornell SLAC pixel detector array ‘…on-demand droplet delivery is synchronized to the XFEL pulse scheme, resulting in X-ray pulses intersecting up to 88%...’
What was achieved? Very high level of crystal interception with pulsed source. Up to 105 of 120 acoustically ejected droplets can be intercepted times each second. In during test, 53 at 60Hz were achieved due to Note: 50,000 frames needed for a complete dataset, ’much more’ than a goniometer based method where the relative crystal orientation can be used to reduce the data significantly.
Paper and System Overview Look at Subsystems FEL Detector Nanofluidic Actuators
Free Electron Laser 20 fs (and below) Undulator period Undulator strength Radiation wavelength On-axis undulator resonance equation (which holds also for FELs) Electron beam energy Pulse length Storage ring 100-300 ps MAX IV SPF 100 fs Slicing 50 fs (low flux) Free Electron Laser 20 fs (and below)
FEL configurations (slides by Francesca C.) Oscillator (Low gain) “Gain” is the relative energy increase of the radiation during one passage in the undulator typically infrared-THz FELs (shorter wavelength 165 nm demonstrated at Elettra SR-FEL) FEL amplifier or SINGLE-PASS FEL: starts from external radiation (SASE* or seed) The problem with oscillator FELs is the reflectivity of the mirrors that goes down with shorter wavelengths. Single-pass FELs don’t have this problem, so one can tune the electron energy to reach shorter wavelengths *S.A.S.E.=Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission (high gain) Seed laser Soft and Hard X-ray range MAXM06-Accelerator technique and FELs
Hard X-ray FELs European XFEL, Hamburg end 2016 SACLA, Japan 2009 2011 Examples of FELs are…some already built and in operation, some in construction phase. 2011 2017 0.1—0.7 nm
Paper and System Overview Look at Subsystems FEL Detector Nanofluidic Actuators
Indium bump bonded to ASIC Pixel 110um 32 (4 x 2 cm modules) 500um Si N type float-zone >5000 Ohm Pixel depletes at 120V bias, run at 190V 2.5k photon full-well 120Hz frame rate Indium bump bonded to ASIC Pixel 110um
Paper and System Overview Look at Subsystems FEL Detector Nanofluidic Actuators
Modified Echo Instrument 2.5nL, 168um diam. Shows the evolution of a design, from prototype to completed product. Fast prototyping to prove out new ideas (battery controller for NiMH shown) Creating a platform from what was learned from the prototypes Then a full featured product for use in commercial market (France) …interesting that the system is now being stripped down to its core function. Echo system for nanoliter fluidic control
Inverted Instrument Shows the evolution of a design, from prototype to completed product. Fast prototyping to prove out new ideas (battery controller for NiMH shown) Creating a platform from what was learned from the prototypes Then a full featured product for use in commercial market (France) …interesting that the system is now being stripped down to its core function.
Follow up questions Is XFEL MX a competing or complementary technology for BioMAX? How do you compare a random crystal orientation process (like waterjet or droplets) to something with known orientation? Is there a general ratio between the two methods in terms of the amount of frame data (ten to one, a hundred to one?) Is a bent silicon spectrometer something that would be a good instrument to have for future commissioning efforts? Shows the evolution of a design, from prototype to completed product. Fast prototyping to prove out new ideas (battery controller for NiMH shown) Creating a platform from what was learned from the prototypes Then a full featured product for use in commercial market (France) …interesting that the system is now being stripped down to its core function.
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Soft X-ray FELs (user facilities) There are not only hard x-ray FELs but also soft X-ray FELs Nature Photonics 7, 852–854 (2013) FLASH at DESY, Hamburg, Germany Superconducting 1.2 GeV linac SASE Wavelength range: 4 – 45 nm FERMI at Elettra, Trieste, Italy Normal conducting linac 1 GeV Seeding Range: 20 – 65 nm
(Slide From D. Mannix Lecture)