Assistant Commissioning Manager, Children’s Health & Maternity Future in Mind: Local Transformation Plan for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing Vicky Townsend Assistant Commissioning Manager, Children’s Health & Maternity
The Government asked us to write a 5 year plan to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing in Gloucestershire We mapped the services available in Gloucestershire and identified gaps We engaged with: Young people and their families Mental Health Service providers Schools Other professionals such as GPs and made a plan…..
Graduated Support Model
For those in mental health crisis Emergency Department Liaison – piloting lowering the minimum age from 16 to 12 years old Mental Health Acute Response – crisis home treatment team lowing minimum age to 12 years old Intensive Interventions – working with social care to support vulnerable young people in emotional or mental health crisis, providing them with a safe place and an alternative to inpatient care
For those who need some support Online counselling service pilot from Teens in Crisis Face to face counselling delivered by Teens in Crisis to young people across the county Schools pilot in Stroud to improve links between schools and mental health services and increase confidence in support children with emotional difficulties Schools Centres of Excellence to encourage schools to focus on mental health
For everyone Initial self care information Signposting to local services Signposting to national website and helplines
On Your Mind Designed with young people, for young people
What did young people want? Non medicalised language eg “I think I might have a problem with food” not “Eating Disorder” A “Google” style home page rather than a typical NHS site Advice on “how to cope” Illustrations and text that are not patronising or childish
Art Workshop
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