Whitetail Deer Keep/Cull Exam Management Objective: Furs and Feathers Hunting Club in Boston, Georgia has adopted a Quality Deer Objective. Bucks older than 3 ½ years with a minimum outside spread of 15 inches can be harvested.
KEY Wildlife Management Keep/Cull Practice #1 - Harvest. Reasons, it meets both requirements being greater than 3 1/2 years (B-Age) and having a spread greater than 15" (C-Antler Class). #2 - Harvest. Same as #1, (B-Age), (C-Antler Class) #3 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) 2 1/2 years old #4 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) 3 1/2 years old. (G-Regulations) Cannot harvest at night. #5 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) Note: Antler is not malformed, missing antler was probably knocked off. Deer is also not more than 3 1/2 years old. #6 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) Deer is not more than 3 1/2 years old. (G-Regulations) Deer is in velvet, antlers are still growing, therefore, it must not be hunting season, yet. #7 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) Deer is 3 1/2 years old. #8 - Leave. (A-Future Harvest) Deer is 3 1/2 years old. #9 - Leave. (G-Regulations) Cannot harvest at night. #10 - Harvest. (E-Disease) Cannot tell if the legs in the picture are a stand or a feeder. You would need to clarify for students. Also, be sure to understand the rules and regulations concerning hunting over bait for they are different for different parts of the state.