Ch 12 Aldehydes and Ketones Naming and Properties
Carbonyl Functional Group
oxygen video
Aldehydes Functional group is a carbonyl group bonded to an end-standing Carbon (#1) Condensed structural formula is indicated as –CHO (COH is alcohol)
Ketones Carbonyl group is bonded to a central carbon of a parent alkane or a ring
Aldehyde Naming CH3 CH3 – CH2 – CH – CH2 – CH2 – C – H 1. Find longest C-chain containing carbonyl group 2. Name: drop the alkane‘e’ replace with ‘-al’ : hexanal 3. In aldehydes, carbonyl is always C#1 – no number needed – implied in aldehyde name! 4. Locate/list other substituents: 4-methylhexanal
Ketone Naming –CO– Cl CH3 – CH – C – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 1. Find longest C-chain containing carbonyl group 2. Name: drop alkane ‘e’ replace with ‘-one’ hexanone 3. Number: Carbonyl gets lowest possible number 3-hexanone ( longer ketones need location number for carbonyl) 4. Locate/list other substituents in front 2-chloro-3-hexanone
Complex molecules with everything….. Use substituent name carbonyl (list alpha under C)
Properties of Aldehydes & Ketones intermolecular forces of Carbonyls Dipoles Van der Waals – depending on Carbon chain length Length of Carbon chain C1-C2 gas, C3 -C10: liquid, C11 and higher: solids
Melting and Boiling Points Aldehydes/ketones have BP between alkanes and alcohols, close to ethers Intermolecular forces: Dipoles and Van-der-Waals, but no H-Bonds with each other!!!!
Solubility Aldehydes and ketones with 4 or less carbons are very soluble in water Carbonyl can H-bond with water
Rx of Aldehydes and Ketones
Oxidation of Aldehydes Aldehydes can be oxidized Visible as addition of Oxygen aldehyde carboxylic acid
Oxidation of Ketones Ketones cannot be oxidized!!! No H that can be removed No O can be added
Benedict’s Test [O] + Cu2+ +O2 → + Cu2O Glucose Gluconic Acid
Sequential Oxidation of Carbon Compounds Purpose: gradual release of chemical bond energy that can be captured (ATP) instead of a quick combustion that produces mostly heat, light (useless for the body) alkane→ 1° alcohol → aldehyde→carboxylate→ CO2 alkane →2o alcohol →ketone → Ø Branched alkane → 3o alcohol → Ø
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