RPC Data Certification M. Maggi INFN Bari
Goals RPC system should provide understood Data and Performance to get any CMS result Interface the RPC with Physics Validation Team (PVT) flagging each DataSet of Data and MonteCarlo processing
The overall view CMS RUN Registry RPC Certification P5 T0 T0 Reco To Be Certified Online Stream StreamExpress Primary Dataset DQM Online Prompt DQM Offline DQM Offline CMS RUN Registry PVT RPC Certification
The DQM role (Anna Cimmino) Used by Central Shifter Provide a clear set of Histogram coping with each individual case: Deal with HV bit Deal with Statistics Appropriate use of Noise and Signal Used by RPC Shifter Provide more deeper insight to potential problem. RPC needs WBM tools for Online Diagnostic
Not everything can go to DQM system! The DQM Framework P5 Online System. Code must be performing and synthetic… Offline T0 for Stream and Reco. Code must be robust Not everything can go to DQM system! but can use DQM style
Automatic Certification DQM Shifter Based Learning phase, with have still to get a coherent picture Last Re-Reco May27 with CMSSW 361p3 BAD in StreamExpress, GOOD in May27 132471 132473 132474 132477 132478 BAD in May27, GOOD in StreamExpress 132572 132648 132959 132960 132961 133036 133081 133242 136080 136087 136097
The Release Validation Role (JungHwan Goh) The RPC Software is Degradable CMS Framework Changes Connections to DB OS and Compiler upgrades Stricter Coding rules For Each Release Set of Standard DQM-like Plots in different areas: Geometry/SimHit/Digis/LocalReco/…. /DQM?
Certification Offline DQM Prompt Analyses Online DQM RR Occupancy++ twiki:RPCModulesTasks RR ELogs Occupancy++ SegmentExtrapolation++ Noise++ Emulator On Noise Trigger++ Non Event Data Analysis++ RPC use on Muons Atypical Cluster …. MC & Data Processed with A given Release WBM FULLY VALIDATED RPC SW
Conclusion Certification is a task that needs Diagnostic Tools DQM,WBM There is a clear interplay among SW Validation, DQM, and Prompt Analysis There is a continuous Data Processing
Open Issues WBM needs to be finalized and we need to clarify the use for Certification DQM needs consolidation for muon based quantities Prompt Analysis requires a redesign…. (DQM/CAF, CRAB based, ….)