Several Issues and several comments Key lines of trade union policy in labour protection and prevention How trade unions can be influential? Strong organisation Strong tripartism Strong social partnership and dialogue (nothing without willingness) Joint OHS Committees Workers Reps Supporting legislation, institutions, organisations What do we do now! Campaigning (training and education, influencing the EU OHS agencies, PR, lobbying, etc.) EU Framework Agreements Active participation in different working groups on EU level Solving issue through own networks Cooperation with different stakeholders & Negotiations (2015)
Sweden asbestoses – thousands of cases Greece 0 Moldova 10 occ.diseases Bosnia 0-0-2 acciddents Sweden asbestoses – thousands of cases Greece 0 ILO 81 all countries – about organisation of inspection incl. numbers ILO 151 – emergency plans OHSM – emergency plans Labour inspectorates Hazardous chemicals - REACH Tax arrangement - If there is a higher risk company must pay more in occ. accident fund (of course is responsible also for PPE, etc.) EU OSHA and Campaigns (chart) (2015)
The EU Context Every 3.5 minutes, somebody in the EU-28 dies from work-related causes. Every 4.5 seconds, a worker in the EU-27 is involved in an accident that forces him/her to stay at home for at least three working days. The number of accidents at work causing three or more days of absence is huge: over 7 million every year. 3
What is in the stake? Every year more than 4000 workers die due to accidents at work More than three million workers are victims of a serious accident at work leading to an absence from work of more than three days 24.2% of workers consider that their H&S is at risk because of their work, 25% declared that work had a mainly negative effect on their health ILO - 159 500 fatal work-related diseases in 2008 for the EU-27 95500 cases of death due to cancer 4% - 8.5% of the total number of cancers is attributable to occupational exposure Fatalities associated with chemical substances accounted for almost half of all work-related deaths National examples In Germany, the costs due to work-related sick leave are 460 million days’ sick-leave per year resulted in an estimated loss of productivity of 3.1% of GDP Costs for social security attributable to sickness or accidents - In the 2010/11 fiscal year, the net cost to government in the UK alone was estimated at £2 381 million.
Alarming data
Deaths associated with work-related diseases in the EU28
EU level of managing OHS? EU Social Policy: More and better quality jobs. A safe and healthy working environment is an essential element of the quality of work. EU Action in OHS: A legal bases is presented in Article 137 of the EU Treaty. Regulation: Commission, EU Institutions, Social Partners Stimulation & Incentives: EU Institutions and Agencies, Strategy, LI, Projects National OHS policy - transposition and implementation
EU level of managing OHS? Policies & Strategies Legislation, Regulations and Directives Standards Principles, Recommandations Institutions & Agencies (tripartite) Social Dialogue (EFAs, SDC) Guidelines, Practical instructions (nonreg) Funding, Projects National OHS policy, Transposition & Implementation EU Social Policy: More and better quality jobs. A safe and healthy working environment is an essential element of the quality of work. EU Action in OHS: Has its legal bases in Article 137 of the EU Treaty.
Individual directives Single European Act (1987) Art. 100a 95 Establishment and functioning of the internal market Directives are binding Art. 118a 137 Improvement of the working environment Directives lay down minimum standards Directives Standardisation Machinery directive Directives Recommendations Framework directive Standardisation Individual directives Transposition and implementation into national law 9
Legislative Framework 89/391/EEC – Framework Directive on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work Legislative Framework Using of the work equipment 89/655/EEC Work Equipment (2) Specific group of workers 92/85/EEC Pregnant and breastfeeding workers and worker who have recently given birth (10) Specific activities 90/269/EEC Manual Handling of Loads (4) 90/270/EEC Display Screen Equipments (5) 92/91/EEC Drilling (11) Personal protection 89/656/EEC Personal Protective Equipment (3) Exposure to agents 90/394/EEC Carcinogens (6) 2000/54/EC Biological Agents (7) 98/24/EC Chemical Agents (14) 2000/44/EC Vibrations (16) 2003/10/EC Noise (17) 2004/40/EC Electromagnetic Fields (18) Workplace 89/654/EEC Workplace (1) 92/57/EEC Temporary/Mobile Construction Sites (8) 92/58/EEC Safety and/or Health Signs (9) 92/104/EEC Surface and Underground Mineral-extracting Industries (12) 93/103/EC Fishing Vessel (13) 1999/92/EC Explosive Atmospheres (15) 2000/39/EC Indicative occupational exposure limit values 10
Legislative Framework OHS directives which are not directly under Framework Directive 89/391/EEC Legislative Framework 94/33/EC Young Workers 91/383/EEC Temporary Workers 1983/477/EC 1999/77/EC 2003/18/EC Asbestos 93/104/EC 2000/34/EC 2000/79/EC 2002/15/EC 2003/88/EC Working Time 11
Key principles of the EU OHS law European social model Social and market regulation Article 118a (138) of the Treaty The Council shall adopt directives with minimum requirements 12
Key principles of the EU OHS law Prevention (proactive rather than retroaktive & compensation) Hierarchy of prevention measures (next slide) Employers' responsibility Continuous improvement (MS) Health AND Safety Social dialogue & workers' participation (ICP) Multidisciplinarity of prevention services Key principles of the EU OHS law 13
Hirearchy of prevention measures Avoid/eliminate the hazards Evaluate the risks that cannot be avoided Substitute dangerous by less dangerous Combat risks at source Adapt the work to the individual Adapt to technical progress Develop a coherent overall prevention policy Give collective protective measures priority Give appropriate instructions Hirearchy of prevention measures (2009)
A new EU Strategic Framework on H&S at work (2014-2020) 1. To improve implementation of existing H&S rules, in particular by enhancing the capacity of MSEs to put in place effective and efficient risk prevention strategies 2. To improve the prevention of work related diseases by tackling new and emerging risks without neglecting existing risks 3. To take account of the ageing of the EU's workforce. 1. Legislation 2. EU Funds 3. Social dialogue 4. Communication and information 5. Mainstreaming OHS toother politics 6. Implementation of this framework 6 EU Instruments 7 key strategic objectives 3 key challenges 1. Further consolidate national strategies 2. Facilitate compliance with OSH legislation, particularly by MSEs 3. Enforcement of OSH legislation by MS 4. Simplifying existing legislation 5. Address the ageing of workforce, emerging new risks, prevention of W-R and occ. diseases 6. Improve statistical data collection, develop the information base 7. Better coordinate EU and int. efforts to address OSH and engage with int. org. ,
ECHA ETUC OHS Committee ACSH HESA COM COM Council EP ETUC Executive Provides Political OHS Orientation ECHA Committee on Standards (COM) Raises Strategic OHS concerns Drafts resolutions ETUC OHS Committee ACSH Coordinates Employers IG Esther Lynch ETUC Confederal Secretary Opinions Workers IG Provides Expert input + Feedback from WIG Animates Working Parties Government IG HESA Commission COM Governing Board makes decisions incl. programme and budget The Bureau prepares Programme & some decision The Advisory Groups provide Agency with a strategic guidance and feedback The Agency implements programme National Focal Points provide input and disseminate products and information Directives COM Council EP
EU OSHA The Director & staff GOVERN BUREAU I NG BOARD HESA EIG WIG GIG National Focal Points ETUC OHS COMM EU OSHA The Director & staff EIG ETUC WIG ETUC is a coordinator ETUI The Bureau - prepares Programme & some decision The Governing Board - makes decisions incl. programme and budget The Advisory Groups (Prevention and Research, Communication and Promotion) - provide Agency with a strategic guidance and feedback The Director - is a legal representative of the Agency The Agency Staff - implements programme National Focal Points - provide input and disseminate products and information GOVERN I NG BOARD BUREAU E T U C I S A M B R HESA GIG Subcontractor & external partners PRAG AGCP
Work in Group: TAIEX Projects & Campaing Examples Social dialogue in OHS each form of dialogue between workers and employers Tripartite cooperation in OHS Carcinogenes and dangerous substances MSDs Planning Topicc Resources Implementation Campaing
Evaluation Taiex projects – achievements and problems New issues How to improve networking Planning for next years