SCADA Selection and Usage at CERN PVSS Users’ Meeting 5th & 6th April 2005
Overview Why did we look at SCADA? What was the evaluation process? What were the selection criteria? What are the important features of PVSS for CERN? What is the current status and usage of PVSS at CERN?
Why look at SCADA Systems? History: Experiment Control Systems were developed in-house Often many independent developments – integration issues Significant in-house resources and long-term maintenance issues Motivation: New generation of experiments (LHC) Reducing resources at CERN CERN directive to outsource wherever possible in order to concentrate on core activities Desire for common solutions wherever possible (especially between the four LHC experiments – JCOP) Limited, but, positive experience with SCADA systems at CERN Goals: Understand what is available Understand the future evolutionary trends Evaluate whether technically suitable Evaluate whether financially affordable
Selection of PVSS II Evaluation for LHC experiments started in 1997 and finished in 1999 (>10 man-years effort) Survey of market First evaluation based on technical documentation and discussions More detailed hands-on evaluation LHC Experiment Acceptance of SCADA (?) JCOP Workshop I June 1998 first presentation of SCADA technology JCOP Workshop II September 1999 presentation of results of evaluation PVSS II was selected after this extensive evaluation of multiple SCADA products and a full CERN tender (2000) CERN-specific criteria (see next slide) Contract negotiated with ETM and signed in November 2000 Unlimited licenses for the LHC experiments both at CERN and external institutes world wide Advantageous financial conditions In June 2002 extended to CERN-wide agreement Excellent collaboration with ETM
SCADA Selection for the LHC Experiments (I) 168 Criteria in a number of categories Concentrated only on non-standard features Architecture Event driven Device oriented Openness Access to all internal data via an API Database access Hardware access OPC CERN Selected PLC CERN Selected Field Buses Scalability Static 1M I/O Large no. of alarms and archive data Large no. of stations Dynamic Ability to increasingly add to the system No limitations No. of stations Naming ... Long term relationship - LHC lifetime > 10 years
SCADA Selection for the LHC Experiments (II) Flexibility Customisation Easy integration of user functionality CERN supported OSs WNT, W2000 Linux RedHat Inter-operability Functionality Scripting Array handling Advanced HMI (dynamic) Sophisticated alarm handling Administration of the SCADA Development Multi-user teams Distributed teams Configuration capabilities Large number of devices Not SCADA specialists Compatibility with other systems Operational concept Integrated Stand-alone Þ partitioning Central and remote Non-professional operators Multiple simultaneous distributed operators
Important Features of PVSS Openness Linux and Windows API / Driver development kit OPC, DDE, ActiveX ADO I/F (ODBC and OLE DB compliant DBs) Oracle archiving ASCII manager ASCII graphics format (XML) Inclusion of compiled function or launch an application from a script Web and Information Server Architecture Device structuring Event driven Internal data stored in DPs PVSS ‘tools’ are standard PVSS panels with associated scripts Flexibility Everything modifiable on-line Control of PVSS tools via DPs Powerful scripting (~Ansi C) Dynamic arrays and sets Scalability Unlimited number of variables Scattered PVSS systems Distributed PVSS systems (up to 255) Configuration Possibility to use PVSS to configure itself Perceived possibility of partnership with company
Evolution of PVSS Regular meetings with ETM Outcome: Improved distributed systems Improved performance and robustness New AES DP Groups Recipes Mass configuration Support for Linux Red Hat Oracle archiving (ModBus and S7 drivers) User’s Manual Many other improvements in trending, OPC, scripting,… Others planned, e.g. secure messaging, alarm reduction, DNS, ….
Usage of PVSS at CERN For LHC Experiments’ Control Systems ~2000 licenses generated by CERN (many are renewals) ~100 institutes in 26 countries JCOP Framework being developed – see later presentation Other CERN Users: LHC Cryogenics Systems (UNICOS Framework) – see later presentation: Surface Tunnel Experiment magnets LHC and SPS Vacuum Systems LHC Quench Protection System (QPS) – based on UNICOS LHC Power Converter Interlock System (PIC) – based on UNICOS LHC Experiment Detector Safety System (DSS) – based on data driven approach allowing a unique system to be used for 4 different applications LHC Experiment Gas Control Systems (GCS) – based on model driven approach allowing 22 similar but different systems to be developed in an automated fashion (also using UNICOS Framework) Fixed Target Experiments – based on JCOP Framework NA60, HARP, COMPASS
DSS – Giulio Morpurgo
GCS – Stefan Haider/Geraldine Thomas
SPS and LHC Transfer Lines - Vacuum Control System Synoptic of the SPS Complex Pressure profile in LHC TI8 Vacuum layout of LHC TI8 Vacuum sectorisation of LHC TI8 Isabelle Laugier AT-VAC/IN Section
CMS – Robert Gomez-Reino Garrido
Conclusions PVSS selected for the LHC experiments after an extensive evaluation (> 10 man-years) PVSS is now the recommended SCADA product CERN-wide PVSS is used extensively within the LHC experiments and increasingly in other domains CERN is keen to continue the long-term partnership with ETM and believes this has been beneficial for both partners CERN is interested in potential collaboration with other PVSS Users – PVSS Users’ Group