Cards 17-20 GIFTS OF THE WISE MEN The wise men packed special perfumes and gold into bundles on their camels when they set off across the desert. The star had led them to baby Jesus in a house (Matt. 2:110 in Bethlehem. The wise men took their gifts and knelt down in front of Jesus. This little boy was the king they had been looking for! They presented gifts of gold. Also a gift of frankincense which is an expensive perfume made from the sap of the balsam tree. It was used to worship at the Temple to offer a pleasing fragrance to God. This costly perfume, brought by the Wise Men, showed that baby Jesus was worthy of their worship. The Wise Men also gave Jesus myrrh. Myrrh is a thick, sweet-smelling liquid that comes from an African tree. In Bible days its main use was in preparing a dead body for burial. Myrrh was rubbed on the skin. Then the body was wrapped in cloth and placed in a grave. This gift pointed to Jesus’ death on the cross. After they visited Jesus, the wise men were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod as he had requested. Herod was jealous and wanted to destroy Jesus! So the Wise Men took a path home that led away from Herod. When the wise men did not return to Jerusalem, King Herod realized that he had been tricked, and he became very angry.
GIFTS OF THE WISE MEN A. Toys, blanket, books B. Gold, Silver, Copper C. Gold, frankincense, myrrh What had led the Wise Men to baby Jesus? Where was baby Jesus at the time when the Wise Men arrived? This house was in what city? Had the Wise Men been looking for this king? What were the three gifts they brought? Does this mean there were three wise men? Was frankincense a an expensive perfume? What was it made from? Did frankincense show that baby Jesus was worthy of their worship? What did they do with myrrh in Bible times What did this point to about Jesus? How were the wise men warned not to return to King Herod? What did Herod want to do to Jesus? What did the wise men do instead of returning to Herod? How did this make Herod feel?
SACRIFICE MADE TO PRESENT THE INFANT JESUS TO THE LORD When Jesus was a little more than a month old, Mary and Joseph took Him to the Temple to present Him to the Lord. All good Jewish parents did this for their new baby boys. The law of the Lord also says that people must give a sacrifice of two doves or two young pigeons. So Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem to do this. Two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, were worshipping there when Jesus’ family arrived. Simeon had long prayed for the time when God would help Israel. He took the baby in his arms. “Thank you, Lord! Now I can die in peace, for I have seen Your salvation with my own eyes.” Anna was a prophetess who prayed to God day and night. She told everyone that she had seen the child who would free Jerusalem. Hearing these words, Mary and Joseph were filled with wonder. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary “Many Jews will fall and many will rise because of this boy. He will be a sign from God that some will not accept. So the secret thoughts of many will be made known. And the things that happen will be painful for you—like a sword cutting through your heart.”
SACRIFICE MADE TO PRESENT THE INFANT JESUS TO THE LORD A. Gold, silver, diamonds B. Two Kittens C. Two turtle doves or two pigeons Why did Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple? Did all good Jewish parents do this? What did the law of the Lord require them to do at the Temple? Who were the two elderly people they saw when the arrived? What were these two elderly people doing at the temple? Was Simeon glad to see the baby? He took the baby in his arms and what did he say? Anna was a pro___________________who prayed to God day and night? What did she tell everyone about the child? That He would do what? Was Mary and Joseph filled with wonder about those words? Did Simeon bless them? When Simeon said, “that the things that happen will be painful for you—like a sword cutting through your heart” what do you think he was referring to?
KILLED INFANTS He told the Wise Men to find Jesus and then come back and tell him where Jesus was. Herod said he wanted to worship Jesus. But Herod was not telling the truth. He did not want to worship Jesus. Herod was really thinking, “I must find this baby and get rid of Him!” Herod made a great show of pointing the Wise Men to Bethlehem, but he also asked them to report back when they found the child. He had a plan. When the Wise Men did not return to tell Herod about the baby they found, the king took action. Determined that no child would become king in his place, Herod ordered all baby boys in Bethlehem be killed. WHY DID KING HEROD FEAR BABY JESUS? Herod the king lived in Jerusalem. He had heard the messages of the prophets. He knew that the Jews were waiting for a Messiah to come, the person who would bring peace to Israel. Now, Herod was a mean, old king! When the Wise Men stopped at the palace to ask about a newborn king, they stirred up Herod’s fear and jealousy. Would this child grow up to take Herod’s throne away from him? He was not happy to hear that a new baby king had been born.
KILLED INFANTS A. Herod The Great B. Wise Men C. Jews in Israel Where did King Herod live? Did the Jews know a Messiah was coming? Was Herod a mean king? Why was Herod afraid of the baby Jesus? What did Herod want to do to baby Jesus? Did the Wise Men return to Herod to tell him where baby Jesus was? What mean thing did Herod ordered done?
NATION JESUS ESCAPED TO Baby Jesus Goes to Egypt After the wise men had gone back to their own country, God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Get ready quickly, take the baby and His mother, and go away from here at once. Hurry far away into the land of Egypt, and stay there till I tell you to come back again. Herod will try to find the baby in order to kill him.” Then Joseph rose up from his sleep, and wakened Mary. “God has sent me a dream,” he told her. “An angel spoke to me, and told me that Herod was going to try to kill the baby. We must hurry down into Egypt and stay there till he brings us word to come back. Hurry and get ready. We must go at once, so as to get far away before the morning light comes.” Mary dressed herself as fast as she could. She wrapped some clothes together in a bundle, while Joseph hurried to find a donkey for Mary to ride on. Very soon they were ready to start. Mary wrapped her precious child up warmly holding him in her arms as she rode on the donkey. Without telling anybody, they slipped away in the darkness. They rode all night, and when the daylight came they were many miles away. Jesus was God’s Son. Wicked Herod could not kill God’s Son! Jesus was safe in Egypt.
NATION JESUS ESCAPED TO A. Jerusalem B. Israel C. Egypt How did Joseph get the message to take baby Jesus and Mary far away? Where did the angel tell Joseph to take them? Why did they need to leave? Did they wait until morning to leave? Mary dressed and gathered clothes in a bundle while Joseph did what? Did they tell anyone they were leaving? Did they ride all night? When daylight came were they many miles away? Jesus was who Son? God would not let Herod do what to Jesus His Son! Again, where was Jesus safely taken?