By: Damon, Madison, Chris, Hannah, and Zach Project Analysis
Curriki Pros Cons Info Subject Area/Grade Level Open Resource for all users Anyone can post information Plethora of information Information may not be reliable Teacher to teacher communication Info Open resource for students and teachers Share lesson plans Share info appropriate for the classroom that corresponds to the primary subject areas Subject Area/Grade Level Kindergarten through higher education
Curriki (cont.) How teachers use it in practice Cost Share lesson plans to other teachers Students can share information with other students and with the teacher Open resource for research projects Cost Free
Curriki (cont.) Reviews Free only to educators, cost to those not utilizing this site through a school system “Great site! This open source is the optimum way to share ideas and information to students.”
Elmo MO-1 Visual Presenter Info Is a camera that projects an image on a board Subject area/ Grade level Kindergarten through 12th grade How teachers use it in Practice Teachers use this product during lessons Can project documents, books, etc. Can walk through a step-by-step process, used for math for example Pros Cons Teachers can project documents, textbooks, student work, and pictures to present in class The price of the camera is not cost effective Teachers can create videos to send out to their students Teachers have limited movement in the classroom while using the device Teachers can use this as a webcam to chat with others Only one person can use it at a time so it is not collaborative
Elmo MO-1 Visual Presenter (cont.) How teachers use it in practice Teachers can take pictures of what they are projecting can do web videos and make videos of using the camera Can project students work as examples Cost $888.99 per camera Reviews Overall reviews are positive Teachers say it is a great tool to have in the class It is easy to use and set up
Study Sync Info Subject Area/Grade Level Pros Cons Over 500 texts online for many different subjects The material follows Common Core standards that not all districts follow There are audio and visual aids for the lessons and subjects that are presented on Study Sync Using this type of software assumes that all students will have access to the internet when they are home Info Similar to Edmodo Subject Area/Grade Level 2nd grade through 12th grade How teachers use it in Practice Online classroom Assign homework to students and have resources on the website
Study Sync (cont.) How teachers use it in practice Cost: Reviews Have students peer edit their work and collaborate Cost: $15 per student Reviews Many teachers and students believed that the website was a great way to improve student’s writing style and was good interactive way to have students learn.
Surface Pro 3 Info Subject area/Grade level Pros Cons Touchscreen capable so students can use more interactive technologies similar to that of the iPad but has more software capabilities Runs on Windows 8 and not many are acquainted with the software There does not need to be a keyboard because there is an onscreen keyboard Screens are smaller than that of a desktop so using that of a desktop so using theses as a replacement means smaller screens Connection to projectors needs to be through Bluetooth Very expensive in comparable devicesd Info This technology is a 2-in-1 type of computer in which students can have a tablet and attach a keyboard to make it a laptop Subject area/Grade level All subjects/ Kindergarten through 12th grade How teachers use it in practice Use in class to take notes Connect to any type of prjectors
Surface Pro 3 (cont.) Cost $999 without out attachable keyboard
Chromebook Info Grade Level How teachers use it in practice Pros Cons Browser based, so little distraction Requires internet to work 7.5 hours of battery life, basically an entire school day Google OS can be buggy Starts up within 7 second, extremely fast Group A Group B Class 1 82 85 Class 2 76 88 Class 3 84 90 Info Chromebook is a laptop that runs on Google OS that focuses primarily on internet/browser usage. Grade Level Kindergarten- 12th Gtrade How teachers use it in practice Can be used as a research tool by students
Chromebook (cont.) Cost Reviews 359.99 Positive reviews for its hardware and battery life Only compliant really is the exterior appearance
Gradpoint Info Grade Level Pros Cons Multiple teacher resources in one Not the most user friendly Standards-based online education Always changing For students, teachers, and admins Excludes parents from learning experience Info Gradpoint is a virtual learning program that provides a combination of a rigorous curriculum, intuitive teaching, assessment tools, and it is all based on standards of technology and education. Grade Level Kindergarten through 12th grade
Gradpoint (cont.) How teachers use it in practice Cost Reviews Online classroom management Online gradebook Students can find resources that are posted on Powerschool through the teacher posting them Cost Varries Reviews Generally positive Praise the innovation it has along with the standard based experienced Several complaints about the user interface
Acer C720 Chromebook Info Subject area/Grade level Runs on Google OS Access to Google Drive Touchscreen 11.2’’ screen Subject area/Grade level All subjects/ 2nd grade through 12th grade How teachers use it in practice Collaborate with colleagues and students on Google software Has hundreds of apps that can be used for educational purposes Pros Cons User Friendly Smaller screens Easy access to collaborative technologies In order to use most software you need access to the internet Touchscreen
Acer C720 Chromebook (cont.) Cost $329.99 per computer Reviews Very cheap Google OS has its pros and its cons(cons outweigh the pros)
Alma Student Information System Pros Cons Maps out learning objectives Requires coaching from Alma staff Teachers can share lesson plans Too many features may cause some confusion Curriculum calendar Custom report card maker Individual/ Classroom management capabilities Attendance tracker Class schedules Grade Level Kindergarten through 12th grade Teachers in practice use it for: Communicate with both students and parents Convey important info in regard to grades, upcoming events, and developments in curriculum Cost Gold Package: $3,000 per year
Alma Student Information System (cont.) Reviews Great staff Inexpensive compared to other student information systems User-friendly features for both students and parents
Mimioboard Interactive Whiteboard Pros Cons Can be used as a Smartboard and a dryearase board Can only use Mimio accessory products Has wireless capability: NO WIRES!! The removable bar allows teachers to collaborate and turn any other board into a smart board Works with any software Info Is an interactive whiteboard that works just like a Smartboard but is also a regular whiteboard Grade Level Kindergarten through 12th grade How teachers can use it in practice Can project anything on the board Is touchscreen so students can collaborate on it Same function as any Smart board
Mimioboard Interactive Whiteboard (cont.) Cost $1066 per board Reviews Nothing but positive reviews about Mimio Teachers love how interactive it is It has an easy set up and instructions for teachers to follow Students can easily use it
Surface 2 Info Subject area/Grade level Pros Cons Touchscreen capable so students can use more interactive technologies similar to that of the iPad but has more software capabilities Smaller screen than the Surface Pro 3 There does not need to be a keyboard because there is an onscreen keyboard Runs on Windows 8 which might be confusing with those who are not familiar with it Cheaper than Surface Pro 3 Can take notes Info This technology is a 2-in-1 type of computer in which students can have a tablet and attach a keyboard to make it a laptop Cheaper than Surface Pro 3 Subject area/Grade level All subjects/ Kindergarten through 12th grade How teachers use it in practice Use in class to take notes Connect to any type of prjectors
Surface 2 (cont.) Cost Without Bundle With Bundle $406.10 per tablet $653.00 Comes with Attachable keyboard Carrying case Software protection And of course the Surface 2
Cost Analysis: Scenario 1 Cost of Mimio= $26,650 $1066.00x25=$26,650 Cost of Surface 2 (w/o Bundle)=$373,686.50 $406.10x625=$253,812.50 Warranty: $99x625=$61,875 Extra computer for teacher and 3 class computers: $57,999 Cost of Wifi (provider, Gateway) AT&T U-Verse: $779.40 per year Gateway: $100x25= $2,500 Power strips $3.98x25= $99.50
Cost Analysis: Scenario 2 Cost of Mimio= $26,650 $1066.00x25=$26,650 Cost of Surface 2 (with Bundle)=$466,124 $653x625=$408,125 Extra computer for teacher and 3 class computers: $57,999 Cost of Wifi (provider, Gateway) AT&T U-Verse: $779.40 per year Gateway: $100x25= $2,500 Power strips $3.98x25= $99.50
Works Cites Alma: Curriki: Desktop Computer: ATT U-Verse: Wireless Gateway: Mimio: Information for Studysync: Review and Case Study of Mimio:
Works Cited Links: Review for Elmo Information for Elmo Review for Alma: Review for Curriki: Information for Alma: Cost of Power strips: UTPB1124_4294722441__?productId=4775355&Ns=p_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&pl=1¤tURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar% 7C1&facetInfo=