Update on the The Mobility 21 Project led by Dr Olga Miller HOS 2010 Dr Karl Wall Programme Leader Graduate Diploma and Certificate: Habilitation Studies and Disabilities of Sight Lecturer in Psychology and Habilitation Studies Department of Psychology and Human Development
From the Mobility21Project Team for your collaboration and support Thank You! From the Mobility21Project Team for your collaboration and support
From the DOS. and Hab. Teams for your support! Thank You! From the DOS. and Hab. Teams for your support!
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Habilitation means... UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 26 - Habilitation and rehabilitation 2. States Parties shall promote the development of initial and continuing training for professionals and staff working in habilitation and rehabilitation services. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/Convention.aspx#19
Habilitation means... Mobility Orientation Life Skills Strategies and skills in accessing meaningful learning From birth Involving parents and family Day to day Informed by the child At home In education In public places In transitions Social pedagogy: health, social care and education Typical and atypical child development
M21 Project outcomes (1) National Standards for Habilitation (2) Exemplar Habilitation Courses (3) Resources (4) Progression routes
National Standards 1 Habilitation learning outcomes for CYP 2 Professional practice outcomes 3 Habilitation entitlement curriculum for CYP 4 Job descriptions
Exemplar courses London Wakefield Edinburgh
London Habilitation Specialist: Graduate Diploma (180 credits) National Standards matched Level H course 4 modules 2 years part-time 1 day a week face-to-face sessions VLE & dedicated website Habilitation Assistant Graduate Certificate (90 credits) National Standards matched Level H course 2 modules 1 years part-time 1 day a week face-to-face sessions VLE & dedicated website
Wakefield Edinburgh Habilitation Specialist: Graduate Diploma (180 credits) National Standards matched Level H course 4 modules 2 years part-time Blocked teaching of face-to-face sessions VLE & dedicated website Habilitation Assistant Graduate Certificate (90 credits) National Standards matched Level H course 2 modules 1 years part-time Blocked teaching of face-to-face sessions VLE & dedicated website
Course modules 1 Policy and practice in habilitation studies 2 Habilitation in educational contexts and the extended curriculum 3 Habilitation at home, in public contexts and during transitions 4 Habilitation, professional practices and the Service setting: the extended assessed placement. Habilitation Certificate Habilitation Diploma
London Wakefield Edinburgh Habilitation Specialist Shadowing placements (10 days minimum) Final extended placement in a service context (20 days min.) 4 x Practical skill assessments Use of portfolio and learning outcomes log Fortnightly practical skill and study tasks Associated Braille for those lacking a Braille qualification Habilitation Assistant Shadowing placements (10 days minimum) 2 x Practical skill assessments Use of portfolio and learning outcomes log Fortnightly practical skill and study tasks Associated Braille for those lacking a Braille qualification
Progression routes Progression from Hab Assistant to Hab Specialist Credit transfer to a Foundation degree or Masters degree ? Masters degree in Habilitation Studies ? - Accreditation of prior experience ? - Accreditation of prior learning ?
Resources 8 Disc DVD /CD pack of filmed material Variety of course guides and materials Research and practitioner articles Course related book
The Mobility21 Project and Habilitation Courses: Contact information: Dr Olga Miller o.miller@ioe.ac.uk 020 7612 6277 Dr Karl Wall k.wall@ioe.ac.uk 020 7612 6282