Universal Health Coverage Conference 22-24 January 2017, Khartoum EMERGENCY NGO Health Projects in Sudan
ABOUT EMERGENCY Provides high standard and free of charge International Ngo, founded in Italy in 1994 Provides high standard and free of charge medical and surgical assistance to the victims of war, landmines and poverty Promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect of human rights
Patients treated 1994–2016 over 7 million EMERGENCY volunteers in Italy organize hundred of events to promote the humanitarian work of the organization, to inform about the reality of war and its tragic effects upon civilian. They also intervened in over 4500 schools giving presentations, distributing teaching and educational materials. Patients treated 1994–2016 over 7 million
National staff trained over 10.000
OUR APPROACH “In accordance with the spirit and the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights…” We believe that the Right to be Cured is a basic and unalienable right belonging to each and every member of the human community
The Manifesto for a Human Rights Based Medicine
Human Rights Based Medicine Equality - Quality - Social responsibility The Manifesto for a Human Rights Based Medicine “...We therefore advocate the implementation of health systems and projects solely devoted to preserve, extend and improve the life of the people in need and based on the following principles: Equality - Quality - Social responsibility
EMERGENCY in Sudan Over 400.000 patients Paediatric Outpatient Clinic in Mayo since December 2005 Paediatric Hospital in Port Sudan since December 2011 The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery April 2007 This was the background that formed the rationale for establishing EMERGENCY in 1994 in Milan, Italy. EMERGENCY believes that providing assistance to the victims of war is a practice of peace and solidarity. Over 400.000 patients
Paediatric Outpatient Clinic – Mayo- Jabal Awlia 2 outpatient clinics 6-bed ward for daily observation Lab + pharmacy Ambulance to refer urgent cases to city hospitals. EPI, antenatal and postnatal care programmes Health education, growth monitoring, nutrition programmes both inside the facility and through outreach activities
Paediatric Outpatient Clinic – Mayo- Jabal Awlia Since Dec 2005: Total consultations 290.000 In 2016: Paediatric Cons: 19311 OBI admissions: 2319 Hospital referrals: 1319 OBY consultations: 2069 Outreach beneficiaries: 4779 The project is currently co-funded by EU and Italian Cooperation
Paediatric Hospital– Port Sudan – Red Sea 3 outpatient clinics 14-bed ward 4 bed High-dep Unit Lab + x-Ray + pharmacy Health education, growth monitoring, nutrition programmes both inside the facility and through outreach activities The hospital is cooperating with the Red Sea Nursing Academy and with the SMOH Health Promotion department.
Paediatric Hospital– Port Sudan – Red Sea The project is supported by the SMoH and is currently co-funded Italian Cooperation Since Dec. 2011 Total consultations: 109951 Admissions: 5509 Outreach beneficiaries: 18052 In 2016: Paediatric Cons: 21293 Admissions: 1368 Outreach beneficiaries: 7299
The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery Khartoum, Sudan The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery is located in Soba, 20 kilometres south of Sudan's capital city, Khartoum. Construction began in October 2004, and ended in March 2007. Designed and built by EMERGENCY, the Centre covers an area of 12,000 sqm indoor, on a lot of land of roughly 40,000 sqm on the banks of the Blue Nile.
A regional Centre of excellence for cardiac surgery in Africa In cooperation with FMOH
A Centre of Excellence must: be EQS based achieve top clinical results have a transparent and effective management provide qualified training contribute to build a Health System
A Centre of Excellence must: Respond to a relevant health priority Promote international cooperation
3 Operating Theatres
15-beds Intensive Care Unit The Salam Centre structure includes: SURGICAL BLOCK: 3 Operating Theatres, 15 Intensive Care Unit beds, Sterilization, Catheterization Laboratory. DIAGNOSTICS: Reception, Outpatients Consultation Rooms, Radiology, Ultrasound, Laboratory and Blood Bank, Pharmacy. WARDS: 48-beds Ward (including 16- beds Sub-Intensive Care Unit), Nurses’ room, Physiotherapy, Recreation room for staff and patients, Storage areas.
Sub Intensive Care Unit 16-beds Sub Intensive Care Unit
Cath Lab In eight months activity, 344 diagnostic procedures were performed in the Cath Lab, along with 113 interventional procedures.
Out-patient Department
Main Facilities The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surger Cath Lab X-ray Dpt. CT scan Laboratory Blood Bank Physiotherapy Pharmacy Technical Services Domestic Services Guesthouse
The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery Clinical Activities
Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is the most common acquired heart disease among children and young adults in developing countries.
Of the18 million people currently affected by rheumatic heart disease in Africa, two thirds are children between 5 and 15 years of age. There are around 300.000 deaths each year with 2 million people requiring repeated hospitalization and 1 million likely to require surgery in the next 5 to 20 yrs.
cardiological consultations 65221 patients triaged 57276 cardiological consultations 6821 surgical operations 2,91% hospital mortality From April 2007 to December 2016
Patients from 26 countries The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery 14%
A successful model for cooperation between Government and NGOs
For further information Thank you For further information www.emergency.it www.salamcentre.emergency.it