Authors: Raminderjeet Kaur Dishant Khosla Naveen Kumar Pooja Sahni Design of a Compact Planar Inverted-F Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN USB Dongle Applications Authors: Raminderjeet Kaur Dishant Khosla Naveen Kumar Pooja Sahni 15 May 2018
Outline Introduction Antennas Devices Comparison between various antenna structures Problem Definition Objectives Simulation Results References 15 May 2018
Introduction An Antenna converts electromagnetic radiation into electric current, or vice versa. Need of Antenna : For transmission and reception of the radio signal. Antennas are required by any radio receiver or transmitter to couple its electrical connection to the electromagnetic field. For electromagnetic waves carry signals through the air (or through space) at the speed of light with almost no transmission loss. Wireless performance is completely dependent on a high performance antenna design and implementation. 15 May 2018
Antennas for USB devices Internal Antennas Microstrip antennas (MSA) Meander line antennas (loaded/unloaded) Planar inverted-F antennas (PIFA) 15 May 2018
Comparison Antenna Type/ Parameters Microstrip Patch PIFA Radiation Pattern Directional Omnidirectional Gain High Moderate to high Modeling & Fabrication Easier to fabricate and model Easier fabrication using PCB Applications Satellite Communication, Aircrafts Internal antennas of Mobile phones Merits Low cost, Low weight, Easy in integration Small size, Low cost, Reduced backward radiation for minimizing SAR Problems No bandpass filtering effect, surface-area requirement Narrow bandwidth characteristic 15 May 2018
Objectives The objectives of the Thesis work are as follows: To design a wideband PIFA antenna covering large bandwidth Reduce Size Improve Gain Good Radiation Pattern 15 May 2018
Simulations Results Proposed Design TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW
Return Loss (S11) It can be seen from above plot that resonant frequencies achieved are 3.62 GHz and 5.55 GHz with return loss of -18 dB & -31.20 dB respectively
Fabricated Antenna Measured Return Loss 15 May 2018
Radiation Pattern
VSWR The value of VSWR obtained at both resonant frequencies are 0.39 dB and 2.95 dB respectively.
Conclusion There are few conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis work: The frequency band covered are WiMAX (3.3 - 3.8 GHz) and WLAN (5.15 - 5.85 GHz). The designed PIFA antenna is compact in size, have good bandwidth coverage and have omni directional radiation pattern The simulated and measured results shows that the antenna structure is suitable candidate for USB dongle applications. 15 May 2018
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