Vocabulary Lesson #8 English II
Circumvent - verb To find a way around; avoid The company was going bankrupt and the owner circumvented the problem by getting a bank loan.
attrition - noun a slow lessening in number or strength through resignation, retirement, or death Through attrition, the police department went from forty members to twenty members in one year.
cohesive - adjective Sticking together; uniting After months of practicing together, the football team became a cohesive group.
grievous - adjective causing pain, suffering, or sorrow; very serious The death of her brother was a grievous loss.
inundate - verb to give too much or too many; to overwhelm The post office was inundated with thousands of holiday cards in December.
oblivious - adjective not noticing something, unaware, inattentive She was oblivious to the fact that the music had stopped, and she continued dancing.
robust - adjective having physical vigor; energetic ; in good health At age sixty, he is robust and plays golf every single day.
reticent - adjective not wanting to talk or act, reserved, timid; quiet He is reticent about telling his girlfriend he loves her.
sanction - verb To give permission or approval, as for an action Our government does not sanction countries that ignore human rights.
vociferous - adjective loud and demanding, noisy, clamorous He was very vociferous about getting a refund for the bad merchandise he had purchased. Everyone could hear him.