Adjectives and Adverbs Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ #:__ Adjectives and Adverbs [homework] An adjective describes a noun. An adverb describes a verbs. A noun or verb is underlined. Circle the adjective or the adverb that describes the underlined word. Write on the line if it’s an adjective or adverb. The children enjoyed singing the silly songs. _______ The old schoolhouse is in need of repair. _________ The warm sun melted the snow. __________________ Those purple flowers are rare. __________________ The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. _______ I like curly hair better than straight. ______________ The quick iguana scampered across the fence. ____ The cookies mom made were delicious. ___________ We watched a funny movie at home. _____________ Mason wore his fuzzy slippers to school. _________ The football players played bravely against the other team. _________. We happily joined the party when we were done. ____