EFA MDA Goal 1: Early Childhood Care and Education Regional Technical Support Group
Regional Technical Support Group Regional Technical Support Groups (RTSG) formed for each of the 6 EFA Goals (ECCE, UPE, Life Skills, Literacy, Gender and Quality). The goal of the Regional Thematic Support Group is to provide technical and substantive support to national assessment activities RTSGs took some time to become formalized and some are still being formed One of the first tasks of the Groups has been to provide inputs and coordinate consultations for the Guidelines for the Asia and Pacific EFA Mid-Decade Assessment
RTSG for ECCE core members Co-chairs: Maki Hayashikawa/Silje Skeie UNESCO Bangkok and Anna Dammert UNICEF EAPRO Regina Molera, UNICEF Turkmenistan Yulia Narolskaya UNICEF Uzbekistan Contributors to revision of indicators: Ila Varma, UNICEF Cambodia, Hoa Phuong Tran, Plan Asia Regional Office Fe Nogra Abog, UNICEF Indonesia Louise Zimanyi, Consultative Group on ECDC
Process for identifying indicators for the Guidelines 7th EFA Coordinators meeting , October 2005 identified key issues for assessment by Goal The RTSG core groups initiated during EFA MDA meeting in Bangkok, March 27-31, 2006. Reviewed EFA Goal 1 and made initial suggestions for additional indicators. The co-chairs further worked on the ECCE indicators and consulted the group and colleagues Consultation with other regional and global partners via e-mail (including the Consultative Group on ECDC, Plan) Review of current literature on ECCE indicators (CG and OECD documents, EFA GMR 2007, UNICEF and UNESCO guidelines and documents) Review and revision of indicators for final draft by co-chairs
Core principles underlying the ECCE indicators: Suggested indicators reflect a more holistic view of child development, and seeks to avoid overemphasis on (formal) education Multi-sectorality of the indicators encourages national coordination - of data collection, reporting and use Quality of ECCE services as important as access to these services
Core principles of ECCE indicators (cont’d): Acknowledgement of the importance and prevalence of non-formal ECCE services, and of parenting education and parent involvement Disaggregation of data is encouraged to enable evidence based decision making and targeted interventions Encouraging the use of existing national initiatives and studies to feed into the Mid-Decade Assessment (e.g. Regional ECD Policy Review supported by UNICEF and UNESCO)
Goal 1: EFA Indicators Dakar 1. Gross enrolment in early childhood development programmes, including public, private and community programmes, as ex[pressed as a percentage of the official age-group concerned, if any, or otherwise the age group 3 to 5 2. Percentage of new entrants in primary grade 1 who have attended some form of organized early childhood development programme
EFA ECCE Goal Statement Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children
EFA MDA ECCE Indicators Process/System Indicators 6 Core Indicators 7 Additional Indicators 14
ECCE Data Sets Required Demographic EMIS – ECCE enrolment data EMIS- Personnel data on ECCE teachers EMIS/Surveys – Status of ECCE facilities & buildings HMIS/Surveys – Health & Nutrition status MOF/MOE Finance – ECCE Financing Mention how to get Madrassa/Faith based and Private Sector enrolment rates
ECCE System/Process Indicators 1.1.1 Existence of national, multi-sectoral ECD Policy 1.1.2 National standards for monitoring developmental readiness adopted 1.1.3 Presence of early screening programs with referral systems
ECCE System/Process Indicators 1.1.4 Health links in ECCE established, with visits by health professionals diagnostics or referrals 1.1.5 Careers for ECCE care providers professionalized, including training, ay parity and higher education degree programs 1.1.6 National ECCE or education policy includes provision of ECCE for vulnerable and disadvantaged children
Process Indicator Questions How are the responses to these indicators unique? What stakeholders need to be approached to ensure full answers? Are there any missing process/system issues in these indicators? What special sub-regional surveys or topics for analysis can we identify? What are potential links with joint UNICEF-UNESCO Regional ECD Policy Study?
ECCE Core Indicators 1.2.1 Gross Enrolment Rate in ECCE 1.2.2 Percent of New Entrants to Grade 1 with ECCE experience 1.2.3 Private Center enrolment as percentage of Total enrolment in ECCE programs 1.2.4 Percent of Under-Fives Suffering from Stunting
ECCE Core Indicators 1.2.5 Percent of households consuming iodized salt. 1.2.6 Percent of trained teachers in ECCE 1.2.7 Public expenditure on ECCE as % of Total Public Expenditure on Education
Core Indicator Questions Are any core indicators missing? Which indicators are most problematic to get data for? What levels of disaggregation are easy to provide? What levels of disaggregation are difficult to provide? What simple surveys could be effective?
ECCE Additional Indicators 1.3.1 Net enrolment rate in ECCE programs 1.3.2 Pupil-Teacher ratio (caregiver ratio) 1.3.3 Public current expenditure on ECCE per child as percent of GNP per capita 1.3.4 Under-Five Mortality 1.3.5 Proportion of infants with low-birth rate 1.3.6 Vitamin A Supplementation rate
ECCE Additional Indicators 1.3.7 Proportion of 1-year old children immunized against DPT 3, Polio, Measles, Hepatitis and other vaccines 1.3.8 Proportion of population using improved drinking water sources 1.3.9 Proportion of population using adequate sanitation facilities 1.3.10 Proportion of young children whose parents participate in ECCE education program
ECCE Additional Indicators 1.3.11 Proportion of children age 0-6months exclusively breast fed 1.3.12 Proportion of under 5 children with anemia 1.3.13 Birth Registration rate 1.3.14 Support for early learning at home
Additional Indicator Questions What are key sources of data for these indicators outside of MoE? What existing & relevant data sets exist that are most difficult for MoE to get access to? What are necessary steps to build partnerships to support the process and to share and use data Do any Additional Indicators deserve to be Core? Are there any Additional Indicators to add?