Kysuce Region Kysuce Region
Location Kysuce - a region in north-western Slovakia, situated around the Kysuca river. -bordered by the Orava region in the east Poland in the north & the Czech Republic in the west. It consists of two districs, Čadca and Kysucké Nové Mesto. - surrounded by the numerous mountain ranges, for example Javorníky in the west, or the Moravian-Sliesan Beskids in the north. The highest hill - Veľká Rača(1236 m).
Ten things to do and see in Kysuce Let´s get to know tinkery Elm at Papaji Scenic winter Historical Logging Back Swath Railway Sightseeings Famous people coming and living in Kysuce Sports Eating and Restaurants Share photos and videos Walking in the forests
Tinkers started in18th century in Kysuce you can see this handwork in exhibitions, museums, galleries the things made with tink are popular present for tourists
Protected elm „at Papaji“ In the village Kopanice-Makov you can see more than 400 years old and about 30 metres high unique elm tree.
Historical Logging Back Swath Railway The Historical Railway in Vychylovka - former narrow-gauge zig zag logging railway located in Kysuce and Orava region. - currently a 3.6 km section is used as a heritage railway for tourists.
Sightseeings City house in Čadca Church st. Bartolomej, Čadca Is multifuncional building Began to build in 1931 Completed in 1932 Church st. Bartolomej, Čadca Initially Čadca small, poor wooden church, which was Built in1674th Was very simple, decorated with various statues, the altarpiece
Čadca then and now Before Now
Famous pepole from Kysuce The most famous people from Kysuce are: Ex American astronaut: Eugene Cernan. His grandparents are from Vysoká nad Kysucou. Slovak luger : Jozef Ninis (born in Čadca, 35, Slovak representative in WOG in Shoci) Ján Palárik: writer and dramatist Jozef Kroner: actor
Zywiec- Čadca´s Partnership city in Poland a town in south-central Poland it is 55 minutes by car from Čadca.. - Mayors meet, do the projects, exchanche between young students to get to know the customs, traditions of the cities.
Sports in winter indoor swimming pool with gym - summer tradition - Kysucký marathon the most beautiful places include protected area and Sunparadise Veľká Rača in Oščadnica (hiking or exported lift uphill, a lot of funny atraction. bobsledging) a lot of ski centrums Snowparadise Veľká Rača-Oščadnica. SKI Makov
Kysuce cuisine
Kysuce cuisine is historical famous for sheep cheese dumplings The most traditional soup in Kysuciach sauercraut soup. Kysuce cuisine is historical famous for sheep cheese dumplings
Pies - buns Gnocchi „Steamed cakes“ Potatoe pancakes „Lokše“ „Huspenina“
Do a quiz with us! In which century started tinkery? Name two or more personalities from Kysuce region? Which city is in the partnership with Čadca? Which sports centrum is the most popular for tourist? What soup is typical and traditional for Kysuce region?
Thanks for your attention Students from 8.B Rázusova school, ČADCA .