Citing Book or Any Print Source Works Cited listing— Brown, Jim. When Guns Kill. Chicago: McGraw- Hill, 2011. Print. Citing Within Paper (whether quoted directly or put into your own words— There has been an increase of 35% of murders by guns in Chicago since 2010 (Brown 203).
According to Jim Brown, there has been “an inexplicable increase” in gun violence since 2011 (203).
Citing Any Source from Web Works Cited listing— Smith, Jane. “Animals Have Rights, Too!” Humans for Animal Rights. SPCA, 12 October 2012. Web. 18 November 2013. Citing Within Paper (whether quoted directly or put into your own words— Testing on animals causes some pet owners to think they can treat their animals however they feel, which leads to pet cruelty (Smith).
In her article, Jane Smith cites animal testing as reason for the increase in “acts of cruelty by pet owners.”
Works Cited listing— “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” Political Activism. 21 December 2005. Web. 14 November 2013. Citing Within Paper (whether quoted directly or put into your own words— Many decisions facing Americans could be decided more efficiently by Congress if there was “a great desire to help others rather than themselves” (“Can’t We”).
As stated in the article “Can’t We Just Get Along As stated in the article “Can’t We Just Get Along?”, Americans are frustrated with the parties ability to work together for the greater good.