NCETM Year 3/4 Collaborative Project Tuesday 11th December 2012 Pick an advent calendar window on the nrich website.
Who’s involved? Host school Oakthorpe Primary School Visiting schools Riverside Primary Viscount Beaumont’s CE Primary Albert Village Primary Donisthorpe Primary Jenni Back - NCETM
What’s involved? Collaborative project to support calculation in Year 3/4 Visiting and Host schools working together Using the NCETM website Support from NCETM Mathematical Proficiency requires a focus on core knowledge and procedural fluency so that pupils can carry out mathematical procedures flexibly, accurately, consistently, efficiently, and appropriately. Procedures and understanding are developed in tandem. Arithmetic Proficiency is an appreciation of number and number operations, which enables mental calculations and written procedures to be performed efficiently, fluently and accurately.
Objectives for the afternoon To work collaboratively with colleagues from across different schools. To explore arithmetic proficiency in Year 3/4. To reflect on our current pedagogy and look at ways to change our pedagogical ideas. To prepare for a gap task back in school.
What thinking happens inside your head? 5
Strike It Out Work with a partner to attempt to cross out all the numbers. What are you thinking as you are solving it? What predictions are you making? What maths are you using?
Captain Conjecture Meet our new Super Hero! He has excellent powers of observation. He makes the best guesses using what he knows. Give him any problem to solve and he will make an educated guess first. 7
What are the mathematical issues in Year 3/4? Key learning points Arithmetic Using and applying Write areas of teaching and learning that are tricky on a post-it note
5 Whys? Pick an issue in Yr 3/4 maths Why is it an issue for children? Keep asking WHY? Honestly reflect on your practice How can we change what we do to make a difference?
What key area do we want to focus on as a group? What issues are coming up again and again? How can we explore this further in our collaborative project?
Mike Askew video What are the key pedagogical ideas? How does it relate to your maths teaching? How can it help overcome any difficulties?
How can we develop Maths Talk in the classroom? What’s difficult? When do you develop maths talk? How can we encourage more talk in maths?
Rich Mathematical Tasks High ceiling – Low threshold NCETM website - Resources – Guidance – Rich mathematical tasks What is a rich mathematical task? When can they be used in your maths teaching? What advantages does this pedagogical approach have?
Rich Mathematical Activities Same and different? Agree or disagree? Always, sometimes, never What’s my rule? Odd one out Silly answers Low threshold / high ceiling tasks
GAP TASK Decide on an area of arithmetic that a group of focus children struggle with. Set up a rich mathematics activity Use nrich website NCETM website Video the children speaking about how they are solving the problem. What does it show you about their understanding? How does it help you to identify next steps?