The logo contest November 2009
Introduction and objectives: The aim of this contest is to create an image for logo about Comenius School Partnership Project ‘Pride and prejudice-overcoming stereotypes’ that should be printed onto T-shirts (or other clothing & materials). We would like to have an own image different from those in the other Comenius projects. Students should wear these T-shirts at work meetings and other project’s events.
The criteria to choose the best design were: The design should suit the topic or express some of the most important aspects of the project. The design should be easy to reproduce (be simple) in different materials (T-shirts, badges, stickers, posters, paper cases, flags, pens). The technique used should be free. Quality, creativity and innovation will be important. Using the vivid colors spectrum will create outstanding logos. Text may be added to the logo (it should explain logo vision and philosophy). The designs must be presented to the teacher in charge of the project.
Logo suggestions Bulgaria
Logo suggestions Belgium
Logo suggestions Czech Republic
Logo suggestions Poland
Logo suggestions Romania
Logo suggestions Slovenia
Logo suggestions Sweden
Logo suggestions Turkey
Installing the exhibition
Process of selection
Vote counting system
Announcing the winner of logo design contest
Final Standing: Shared first place Bulgaria Belgium
Logo printed on T-shirts Bulgaria Belgium Logo printed on flags Logo printed on T-shirts and other materials
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’