Sudan Country Report
Facts On Sudan It’s the biggest country in Africa Population of approximately 42 million Has 597 ethnic groups Northern part are the muslims arabs,southern part are the black christians and animalist.
Major Conflicts Resources Religion discrimination Boundary conflict Land grabbing Corruption Tribalism
Causes of the conflicts Unequal access to resources Population pressure Greedy political leaders
Impact of conflict on people Loss of property Unemployment Lost of lives Refugees and IDPs
Political conflict It’s a radicalized post colonial state that impose a single vision nation through the policy of Arabization and islamization Corruption
Social conflict Post taken by the Arabs after British colony withdrew, southern were not educated and poor and the northern government didn’t not allow them to study. More development in the north influenced by Egyptian hence southern remains poor.
Economic conflict Foreign dept Capital flight Primary commodities Unequal access of resources nation wide Fairness ,equitable resource share development
Religious conflict Muslims committed genocide against both animalist and Christians in the south. Conflict between Muslim militia and Muslim inhabitant in Darfur
Domestic violence and violation of women`s rights Wife beating Women are used as property Sexual harassment Forced marriage Have no education
There will be a referendum next year in January since the southern region wants separation and to have their own state and government. Most of the people of southern want separation.