Microsoft in Education Virtual Forum- Latin America & Caribbean PROJECT DANTE Microsoft in Education Virtual Forum- Latin America & Caribbean October 30th, 2014
Project Name: Project Dante Educator(s): Diana Cortés & Elsa Carrillo School or Educational Institution: Brief description of the context or school environment High School Thomas Jefferson Campus Mexico. Private and secular school with more than 35 years of experience from kindergarten up to high school. It imparts education to groups no larger than 25 students, lessons of 50 minutes. Seeks significant learning using technology and projects. In recent years it has introduced the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom with computers, smart boards, e-books and Thomas on Line. Specify the Website: School’s website: Project’s website: Content / Subjects or Curriculum: History, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills Age / Educational Level or Grade: Ages 14 - 18 Project Objectives: Investigate the concept of sin in Middle Ages and analize the sins in Dante's hell in order to establish those that still remain in the XXI century and if there are new ones. Suggest concrete measures to prevent the sins that damage current societies. Use of ICT during the project
Activity 1: Survey to know what are the current sins Description of the project. The project is designed so that students work in teams of four. Teams are formed by the teacher according to their different abilities. The teacher is a facilitator of learning; students are actively involved in the construction of their knowledge. The project proposes four activities and a final product. The time required to carry out this project is 6 weeks. Students perform work both at home and at school with the support and guidance of the teacher. The foundation of this project is the reading of hell in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. In this reading students know the behaviors that Dante condemns and the punishments which proposes in his work to those who practice them. To relate this work with today's society, there is a video in Movie Maker with everyday situations in which the media favor certain reprehensible conducts as envy, lust, violence, among others. Activity 2: Video presenting the results of their research on the concept of hell in the middle ages. Introduction: Reading of The Inferno from The Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri) Activity 1: Survey to know what are the current sins Activity 3: QR Code containing a comparative chart in which students compare the sins in Middle Age and the sins in the XXI century. Activity 4: video game presenting the hell of the XXI century with the current sins according to the survey of activity 1. Poster and leaflet as part of a campaign that promotes reflection and the knowledge In order to embed or add resources or materials and information on the project, follow these steps: You must have the resources or documents easily available. In the Insert menu, select Object. Select Create from File and click Change Icon … .... Look for the file that you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon … and add or type a suitable title. Click OK to add the title and click OK to embed or add the file. Use the Action button in the Insert menu to activate the object. Use hyperlinks to websites to display audio or video. Do not embed or add video or audio, use links to other sites that host the video or to your school's website. Open the Word document by double clicking on the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save your changes. Please make sure that you have full authorization to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain. Extending Learning beyond the classroom. The opinions in the project´s blog give very important feedback to the students involved in the project.
Planning and Design of the learning environment The activities are planned to go deeper into the knowledge of what is sin currently depending on the ages of the respondents and their family circumstances. The students are able to see the differences and similarities that exist in morality between different generations. All this coupled with the discussion with companions, favors reflection and critical thinking Photoshop: Video Videogame with Minecraft Survey through blog
Evidence of Learning Evaluation. Comparative chart In order to embed or add resources or materials and information on the project, follow these steps: You must have the resources or documents easily available. In the Insert menu, select Object. Select Create from File and click Change Icon … .... Look for the file that you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon … and add or type a suitable title. Click OK to add the title and click OK to embed or add the file. Use the Action button in theInsert menu to activate the object. Use hyperlinks to websites to display audio or video. Do not embed or add video or audio, use links to other sites that host the video or to your school's website. Open the Word document by double clicking on the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save your changes. Please make sure that you have full authorization to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain.
Collaboration Students collaborate designing the survey, sharing data, doubts, opinions; in the preparation of the video and the video game; by dividing the work according to their skills and abilities. A form to reach this collaboration was through Facebook Contributions to the blog ( In order to embed or add resources or materials and information on the project, follow these steps: You must have the resources or documents easily available. In the Insert menu, select Object. Select Create from File and click Change Icon … .... Look for the file that you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon … and add or type a suitable title. Click OK to add the title and click OK to embed or add the file. Use the Action button in theInsert menu to activate the object. Use hyperlinks to websites to display audio or video. Do not embed or add video or audio, use links to other sites that host the video or to your school's website. Open the Word document by double clicking on the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save your changes. Please make sure that you have full authorization to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain.
Knowledge Construction and critical thinking Through the survey, the students investigate new interpretations of the concept of sin, analyze the results in order to relate them with his reality, his daily life. Making a video with the concept of hell in the Middle Age, will help students to understand that concept within its context. Reading The Inferno. The students recall the concept of “sin” In the last activity the students design and create publicity products that communicate a proposal to offset the effects of the environment and propose options to avoid them. During the creation of the videogame, the students reflect on the seriousness of sins so they can place each one in the appropriate circle according to the results of the survey The students evaluate the results of the survey in order to acknowledge the concept of transgression or evil and compare it with the concept of the Middle Age In order to embed or add resources or materials and information on the project, follow these steps: You must have the resources or documents easily available. In the Insert menu, select Object. Select Create from File and click Change Icon … .... Look for the file that you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon … and add or type a suitable title. Click OK to add the title and click OK to embed or add the file. Use the Action button in theInsert menu to activate the object. Use hyperlinks to websites to display audio or video. Do not embed or add video or audio, use links to other sites that host the video or to your school's website. Open the Word document by double clicking on the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save your changes. Please make sure that you have full authorization to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain.
Extending Learning beyond the classroom. After presenting the project to students of fourth grade of High School, they were asked to collaborate in the project´s blog with their comments and opinions about what is sin and what are the sins of the XXI century. The publicity products were shared with the entire Institute