TEMPUS UM_JEP 16015-2001 CONSORTIUM MEETING Zagreb, 28-29 2004 ENROLLMENT POLICY IN CROATIA TEMPUS UM_JEP 16015-2001 CONSORTIUM MEETING Zagreb, 28-29 2004 Prof. Vjekoslav Jerolimov University of Zagreb
Enrollment Policy in Croatia Introduction population = 4.400.000 15.9 % population with HE degree (21.6% in EU) 19 yrs population = 60.000 47.000 having secondary school diploma 31.000 with grammar and similar schools' dipl. Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Enrollment Policy in Croatia Introduction 102 institutions alltogether 110.000 students (70% univ. / 30% polyt.) «drop out» rate: * after 1st year: 40-60% * 20-25% graduate on time * average study: 7.5 years * 60% overall «drop out» rate Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Enrollment Policy in Croatia applications (10:1 to 0.1:1) enrollment criteria: secondary school success (20-40%) test/oral entrance exam (53-80%) 10% special achievements (0-8%) Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Enrollment Policy in Croatia Numerus clausus «related» to capacity of school not related to national policy / «market» needs not related to unemployment Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Tuition fee (groups of enrolled students) on Ministry's recources: 57.9 % paying «full» amount: 27.0 % foreign students: 0.2 % part-time students: 14.9 % Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Enrollment Policy in Croatia Conclusions to increase HE population national/regional programme and needs integral educational system secondary school leaving exam (state matura) Enrollment Policy in Croatia
Enrollment Policy in Croatia Conclusions enrollment type: * free enrollment ? * numerus clausus: - state matura - entrance exam - combination correct tuition fee / scholarships, etc. Enrollment Policy in Croatia