The Gateway to the Game Changers Data: The Gateway to the Game Changers Katie Zaback Director of Research| Complete College America COMPLETE COLLEGE AMERICA
NGA/CCA Common College Completion Metrics
Disaggregation Necessary to Close Achievement Gaps Full-time/Part-time Enrollment/Transfer Gender Race/Ethnicity Income (Pell Grant recipients) Age Group (where applicable) Remedial status Discipline = disaggregated graduation rates not available in IPEDS
Outcome Metrics Indicators of successful outcomes DEGREES AWARDED ANNUALLY (# and change over time) GRADUATION RATES TRANSFER RATES TIME and CREDITS to DEGREE Progress Metrics Measures of interim achievements strongly linked to student success REMEDIATION: ENTRY and SUCCESS SUCCESS in FIRST-YEAR COLLEGE COURSES (1st yr. math and English) CREDIT ACCUMULATION RETENTION RATES COURSE COMPLETION = data not available in IPEDS
Urgency Around the Issue Create a Sense of Urgency Around the Issue = Four-Year MYTH
Students are …
4.9 4.4 3.6 Taking Too Much Time Time to Degree 2-Year Associate (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 4.9 4.4 3.6 4 Years Standard 4 Years Standard 2 Years Standard 120 Credits Standard
80.9 134.6 133.5 Taking Too Many Credits… Excess Credits 2-Year (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s 80.9 (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 134.6 133.5 60 Credits Standard 120 Credits Standard 120 Credits Standard Four-Year Myth
Total Cost of Each Extra Year Spending Too Much Money Total Cost of Each Extra Year (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Student 4-Year Student $22,826 $15,933 in cost of attendance in cost of attendance $45,327 $35,000 in lost wages in lost wages $50,933 $68,153 Source: and Four-Year Myth
On-Time Graduation Rates Not Graduating! On-Time Graduation Rates (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 5% 19% 36% ON TIME ON TIME ON TIME
13% 43% 68% Not Graduating! 150% Graduation Rates 2-Year Associate (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 13% 43% 68% IN 3 YEARS IN 6 YEARS IN 6 YEARS
Focus on a Key Issue =
Too many students start college in remediation. 61% in 2-year institution 28% in 4-year, non- research institution
African Americans, Hispanics and Pell Students are Over Represented 2-year Students 4-year Non-Flagship Students
Access to College or Remediation For too many students, a remedial class is their first and their last college experience.
The System Does Not Work, Particularly for African Americans Gateway Course Completion in 2 years 2-year college remedial students
Few Graduate or Transfer Of 2-year students enrolled in remediation: 11% graduate in 3 years 18% transfer to 4-year institution (with or without a degree) in 4 years
Offer a Path Forward =
1. Corequisite Remediation 2. Full Time is 15 3. Guided Pathways - GPS 4. Structured Schedules 5. Performance Funding
Provide a Road Map to Scale =
SUCCESS AT SCALE GOING TO SCALE Colorado • Indiana • Georgia • Tennessee • West Virginia (2 Year Only) GOING TO SCALE Cohort 1 California Central Value Consortia • Hawaii • Illinois • Ohio • Oklahoma • New Mexico • West Virginia (4yr) Cohort 2 Idaho, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Rhode Island