Problem Statement In marketing their movies, studio executives are faced with the problem of understanding the unique challenges and opportunities of online movie trailer reception.
Discipline One: Cultural Studies Why? Provides a framework to discuss and understand the cultural placement of online trailers Research Gap Need for up-to-date study because of the rapid evolution of the phenomenon GREG Talk about Johnston article: lack of youtube, latest cases were early 2000’s, pre- HD trailers,
Discipline Two: Business (Marketing) Why? Addresses the key purpose of movie trailers as marketing tools for the film industry Ensure profit-maximizing response to cultural shift Research Gap Need to understand loss of producer control in consumer-driven culture JULIA AND FAREN!!!
Research Questions What aspects of reception play a role in successful online trailer marketing? How are trailers being viewed? Are they being discussed? Shared? Where? How? What is the balance between offline and online? How can studios capitalize on that? JULIA Aspects = age, frequency of going online, routine movie viewers, Go from vagueness into what that can mean.
Methods/Research Plan 505-06 Group Presentation: Movie Trailers Methods/Research Plan SURVEYS Consumer Demographics Trailer viewing statistics - Follow up interviews ANALYSIS Cultural shift Impact, Trends, Magnitude Capitalize on shift MATT AND FAREN!!! Cultural Studies Content analysis of popular trailer sites, comments Interviews – frequent/casual viewers, studio execs Marketing Survey online and offline viewers Collect viewing statistics Analyze consumer demographics, behaviors, habits