East Riding Specialist Services What do we provide to support pupils with SEN?
Specialist Services Education and Inclusion Service Education Welfare Team Children’s Disability and Health team Virtual Head-teacher for Looked After Children SEN Team – EHC Co-ordinators Sensory and Physical Teaching Service
Sensory and Physical Teaching Service Educational provision for children and young people with hearing, vision or physical difficulties. All mainstream schools, and settings within the East Riding admit pupils with hearing, vision and physical disabilities. Support can be provided by the SAPTS to ensure that pupils are successfully included dependent upon the level of the pupil's individual need. The majority of pupils with hearing, vision or physical disability attend their local school. Some children and young people with additional needs attend one of the Local Authority's special schools. Information on these can be found in the choosing a school section on the Local Offer website.
How do we support pupils? Assess their needs and agree the level of support we will provide. This is matched to National guidelines and criteria from the ‘National Sensory Impairment Partnership’. Provide advice and structured teaching programmes to improve outcomes for children with a sensory impairment. Qualified Teachers of the Deaf and Vision Impaired. Provide training to parents, schools and children and young people on deaf awareness, visual awareness and moving and handling skills. Fund specialist equipment to ensure children and young people can access the curriculum.
Follow the guidelines of the new SEND reforms Follow the guidelines of the new SEND reforms. Complete EHC reports that focus on their specific primary needs and long term outcomes for pupils. Work with pupils between the ages 0-19. Sensory Support assistants work centrally and can be deployed to pupils efficiently when they move to East Riding and the need presents. Improve outcomes for pupils with a sensory impairment using benchmarks provided by the National Sensory Impairment Partnership.
Assess, plan, review, do………. Follow the graduated response to SEN within our service. Some of our children and young people have a primary need that we specifically support, and others have it alongside a range of complex needs.
Service response New referral – liaison with health professionals and review medical evidence. Assess pupil’s needs Use Natsip criteria to ascertain level of support
Service response Provide monitoring and assessment. Implement short term/long term structured teaching programmes. Provide specialist teaching assistants and equipment to support pupils in school. Re-assess and review progress and support level
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